Posts Tagged ‘couch naps’

My Week(351) in iPhone Photos

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Still several weeks behind. I’m at the point where I can’t remember what some of these photos are from. I’m also very surprised by how often we leave the house, because it definitely feels like we spend most days shouting at each other in the living room.


Caroline is currently obsessed with bows

Should I eat these animal crackers or the shoe? It’s a hard decision.

Such a cutie


Catching creatures in the Mystic River

Ok, bye, check in later?

I should set up a tub and washboard at home.


Lake fun

Lake nap


Super fun art activity at Lutz Children’s Museum

Hello turtle friend



Friends at the lake

Baby at the beach

Lake life is exhausting


Look at that enormous baby

He can sleep ANYWHERE

Trying to get his own snacks now

Less than a week until birthday party go time and I literally cannot reach my dining room table because of the sheet rock all over the room. Which is great! Fine! I’m sure I can get ALL the party planning done between 8 pm Friday and 2 pm Saturday.

My Week(349) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

They put sheet rock up in my kitchen today, so I’m feeling slightly better than I was yesterday. I’m starting to think someday they might actually finish.


Fat baby loves swinging

These were delicious

It actually looks WORSE now


I hope he never stops taking couch naps

Salt marsh sunset


Family walks

The baby who eats anything




Private beach

Happy baby


Such Pinterest-worthy decor in this nursery


She doubts her daddy’s cooking skills


At least the shower is done

Saw this on a chair at Seaport Camp. Pleased we picked a good camp.

Tasted even better than it looked


My favorite cat

Caroline loves fireworks

Finn does not love fireworks

My Week(348) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

I never did catch up and now I’m even farther behind because that’s my life right now. Nothing ever gets finished and everything is a mess. This was the week my bathroom remodel involuntarily started and it’s NOT ANY BETTER TODAY.


Really disappointed with his non-vacation life

It took my computer THREE HOURS to update


Pretending they don’t fight 23.5 hours a day

Pokemon hunting



The only picture I took, because the rest of the day began renovation hell


I didn’t even take this, Linc did, because again…renovation hell.


Choosing tile is hard

There were 4 ceilings in the kitchen

Plumbing problems are exhausting


So chill

She thinks is cute she’s sitting next to a beer

I love card night


We found local princesses

Lake friends

Grandma and Grandpa are popular

This was such a long time ago. What was life even like when I had two working toilets and no holes in my floors, walls or ceilings? I CAN’T REMEMBER.


My Week(343) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

We have less than 2 weeks left until Disney World and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be able to hold off telling the kids for much longer. I’m so bad at surprises.


Really excited to be at Lake Compounce

Evan’s face before we went on the roller coaster. His after face was not happy.

Caroline’s face all day


Once Finn is walking these two are going to be double trouble

Evening yoga


Are you sure this is breakfast? Why is it on the floor?

Couch naps

My favorite child


You can see our rainbow umbrella is his eyes

Skeptical of the art show

Art show snacks


I gave him nutella, it was a mistake

Now he’s trying to eat his siblings

Peace Out


How I feel about getting changed in front of people too

They REALLY love yoga


Took our cousin to the beach

And to the splash pad


And taught him yoga

I don’t know why I’m missing so many photos from this week. I THOUGHT I took lots. I’ll try to do better this week, although so far today I’ve taken zero and it’s 2 pm. But that’s because I’ve been listening to podcasts on my phone while I try to get the entire house cleaned and organized and back to the almost-always-ready-for-company level of tidy that I had achieved at the beginning of the year.

In other news, do you follow my 365 project on Facebook or Instagram yet? I figured I should put those photos someplace where people can see them, since my photography is my main claim to blogging fame (very very very tiny amounts of blogging fame) these days.

My Week(342) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

We have a lot of stuff going on over the next few weeks, which is good, because counting down to our Disney trip is making time pass SO SLOWLY. I’m terrible at secrets and I’m pretty sure I’m going to accidentally tell the kids sooner than I meant to. I’m still trying to plan how and when exactly we’ll surprise them, but because we had some unexpected reactions to rides at the amusement park on Sunday (Evan hated all the roller coasters and had to be coaxed onto even small rides) I think a few days of watching Disney vacation videos and YouTube ride-throughs will be a good idea.


Happy Mother’s Day to me!

Family Target trip

I’m so well loved


Re-entry into real life is hard

Real life is hard for toddlers too

A good summer sunset


Front porch life

Brother friends at the library

Evening walk


Can’t keep a kid out of a fountain

Downtown New London is pretty

No biggie, my sister’s wedding is just in a magazine


Monster attack

Robot vacuum tried to eat the baby

Cosmic Kids Yoga is their new favorite way to end the day


Aquarium date with some penguins

Friday night we had the aquarium all to ourselves

Eating french fries in a beer garden


We’re working on moving him to the crib with mixed results

Linc and I invented carrot cheesecake bars and they were delicious

We always play guys vs girls and for the FIRST TIME EVER the girls won both times

Linc has been napping for THREE HOURS and I’m almost caught up on Call the Midwife so even though I slept sitting up in a chair all night today is pretty good. Plus I have a whole fridge full of meal delivery dinners so I don’t have to stress about what I’m making tonight. Now if only the baby will let me eat something without holding him I’ll be a happy person.