Posts Tagged ‘cake’

Beware the Fools of April!

Friday, April 1st, 2011

No, seriously guys, it’s April 1st so DON’T BELIEVE THINGS. I actually spent several months last year thinking someone I knew was pregnant because even though I KNEW it was April Fool’s Day her Facebook post was really convincing. It took me MONTHS to realize she had been kidding. I freaking HATE April Fool’s Day because I feel like I am always the person who doesn’t get the joke and ends up looking like an idiot and I hate looking like an idiot more than I hate anything else.

Well, almost anything else. I think I hate the fact that it still feels like February even though it’s April even more. I am so ready for spring – or even just NOT SNOW – that I’m refusing to dress like it’s cold even though my poor toes are freezing in flip flops and I’m shivering in capri-length leggings. I will MAKE it be spring.

But I don’t want to risk getting sick just in time for the sunshine so I spent the last few nights knitting myself a spring neck warmer…

I lightened this picture approximately 200% because there is NO natural light in my house right now

Flower Scarf pattern by Robyn Diliberto (available for download on Ravelry or here as a pdf) The yellow is just what I needed. I want to knit a giant blanket out of that yarn and hide under it until this stupid day has passed.

The next three days are going to be crazy busy with errands and baking and patching holes in walls and cleaning and…and…and…I should really make a list, or it’s going to be two hours before Little Evan’s party when I realize I didn’t make a cake.

Speaking of the cake, does anyone have a really great recipe for a yellow cake? I mean, if I wasn’t crazy I’d probably just get a good old Better Crocker cake mix in a box, but I’m just insane enough to make one from scratch if I can find a recipe that someone SWEARS is delicious. Oh and I need a frosting recipe. And maybe a suggestion for some sort of filling between the layers. Have I mentioned I’ve never tried to make a real cake before?

Excuse me while I go weep into my KitchenAid.

Happy Friday and Happy April and DON’T GET FOOLED.

The Creative Connection Part 1: Tables & Food

Monday, September 20th, 2010

The people involved in decorating and planning the events and meals for The Creative Connection were, of course, brilliant and crafty and…creative.

(Here’s a tip for anyone tired of hearing about my trip: start at the first post and drink every time I say the words “amazing”, “awesome” or “creative”. You’ll be so smashed after 2 paragraphs you won’t even notice I CANNOT shut up.)

From the very first lunch to the cupcake farewell party every table & place setting was gorgeous. Here are the pictures I managed to catch before I shoved the gifts in my bag and the food in my face.

Lunch on Thursday, Keynote Address by The Pioneer Woman

Clockwise from top left:
Adorable place setting with note pad, antique fork and mustache-on-a-stick
I heart gourds as table decor – so fall-y!
After picture of my red velvet cake (I seriously considered eating that piece in the background too)(I did not)(But I regret that decision)
Before picture of the red velvet cake – it’s The Pioneer Woman’s recipe! We also had the Asian Noodle Salad I made for dinner once before

Cocktail Autograph Session & Gala Dinner, Speakers were MaryJane Butters and Amy Butler

Clockwise from top left:
The BEAUTIFUL tables – the tablecloths are 400 yards of Amy Butler fabric hand sewn by Jo Packham & her friends!
Apple crumble for dessert – we had dessert at EVERY meal, including parfaits at breakfast
The super cute tables for the cocktail hour – an author was at every single one to sign books & pictures & chat
Lisa Leonard gift box at every place setting – she gave a beautiful necklace to every attendee!!

Box lunch on Friday, panel discussion was Women Entrepreneurs

Clockwise from top left:
Adorable tables full of lunch boxes
The third gorgeous centerpiece of the event
Another picture of the table set up – I wish I had gotten one of the beverage table, it was all mason jars of lemonade & buckets of ice
Gift at the place setting – a mini apron made from a tea towel

Breakfast Saturday, Editorial Panel with TONS of great advice on publishing & the future of the industry

Clockwise from top left:
Table from breakfast – what you can’t see is the flower pins for everyone made by Suzanne from Italian Girl in Georgia
“Flowers” made with old pages & clothespins
Close-up of the centerpieces – I STILL can’t figure out quite how it was done
I was so excited to see someone fancier than me using milk glass to decorate a party! I’m so hip! And stylish!

Cupcake Farewell

Clockwise from top left:
Gorgeous table of (delicious) cupcakes
Adorable little signs – so Alice in Wonderland
The chocolate ones disappeared in about 2 seconds
Good thing I prefer to shove vanilla cupcakes into my face – NOM NOM NOM

Evan’s First Birthday: Food

Monday, April 5th, 2010

I spent so much time painstakingly cutting out paper triangles, sewing yards of banner and hunting down just exactly the right font for my invitations that I completely forgot about providing food for Evan’s circus birthday party until the last minute. All I had planned was cake and candy and – although those are two of MY favorite food groups – I don’t think most people consider Pixie Stix and fondant a balanced meal. Also, I thought maybe giving all the kids an option besides SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR SUUUUUUUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAR would be a wise choice. I’m all about the wise choices.

I tried to stick with my circus/carnival theme, which made munchy, snacky food a good option. Here’s what we ended up with:

Hot dogs
Soft pretzels
Cotton candy
Animal crackers
Salt water taffy
Rita’s Italian Ice
Jones Soda
Pink and Yellow Lemonade
…and a whole bunch of random candy I used as decoration rather than food.

first birthday circus cake

Circus cake by Amanda, covered in homemade fondant, top layer is rice krispie treat, second layer vanilla, bottom is chocolate. Delicious AND gorgeous!

circus birthday party food

Dining room table buffet. The empty bowl is for the giant soft pretzels. Also missing: nacho dip.

My mom cut up GALLONS of fruit because she loves me and would like to let me keep all my fingers

circus birthday party food

$10 popcorn machine from Craigslist, boxes from party store online

circus birthday party food cotton candy

Mini-cotton candy bags bought in bulk from BJ’s (Circus tray from Goodwill)

circus birthday party food hot dog

Hot dog trays from iParty, old-fashioned ketchup & mustard from grocery store

circus birthday party food

Jar from a flea market, animal crackers from Target, candy stand from TJMaxx, taffy from Christmas Tree Shops

circus birthday party drinks

The lemonade has lemons floating in it, the pink lemonade has pink ice cubes with cherries in them. Cups from Celebrate Express online, straws from grocery store, milkglass vase from flea market, drink pitches from Target.

circus birthday party drinks

Rita’s Ice! I got a 2.5 gallon party bucket, which was MORE than enough and they let me borrow a scoop and gave me free cups. Loooooove Rita’s!

circus birthday party smash cake

Vanilla smash cake with buttercream frosting for Baby Evan – the pictures are FANTASTIC. It was a GREAT idea thought of and baked by Amanda. Cake stand is mine from a flea market.

Check out more party posts including circus party decorations and our circus party photo booth.

My Dad Thought of the Caption

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

I think Baby Evan's...

...first birthday party...

...was a...

...SMASHING success!

More pictures & details coming soon. Thanks to the amazing Amanda for the smash cake!

The Big 3-0

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

In the past 30 years, my wonderful husband has done a lot of stuff. He learned to play several instruments, kicked ass in marching band, became an Eagle Scout, graduated high school, saw The Matrix in the theater 79 times, decided college wasn’t for him (it interfered with Matrix-watching time), joined the Navy, survived boot camp, became a really excellent dancer, blazed up the military ranks at wild-fire speed, got married to your truly, adopted a dog, bought a house, traveled to Japan/Hawaii/Singapore/Greece/Gibraltar on a nuclear submarine, made Chief (E7) in less than 10 years, bought a boat,  and contributed 50%  of the genetic material needed to make Baby Evan. Next up, he’s hoping to get picked up as a Limited Duty Officer and contribute some more genetic material, several times over. Since most of E’s friends are internet-based (or deployed) and extended family is a 10-hour drive, we’re going to celebrate with a nice sushi dinner and some family time. But 30th birthdays are a Big Deal so I did my best to make it a (surprise) special occasion.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

When I got up to feed the baby at 5 am last night I also packed a lunch for E to take to work (so he wouldn't have to hike to the cafeteria in the snow). I also included some special treats.

I also decorated the dining room for the evening's cake eating.

Did you guess the theme yet?

Carrot cake with cream cheese whipped cream frosting - E's favorite. The frosting is slowing sliding off the cake (I made it too thin) but it TASTES absofrigginlutely delicious.

Baby Evan helped with the frosting.

And this is a picture from our craft project this morning, when Baby Evan made daddy his first of many birthday finger paintings. The gift is the only thing that's still a surprise.

I don't think the Crayola people had this in mind when they labeled it "non-toxic".