What’s For Dinner?
Clockwise from top left:
1. The Pasta Salad – From “A Taste of NPS”, a collaborative cookbook my mom bought 20 years ago
2. CPK’s BBQ Chicken Pizza – Tasty Kitchen/The Pioneer Woman
3. Chicken Fried Rice – Tasty Kitchen/The Pioneer Woman
4. Asian Noodle Salad – Tasty Kitchen/The Pioneer Woman
Clockwise from top left
1. & 2. Marcella Hazan 3 Ingredient Tomato Sauce – Steamy Kitchen
3. Espinacas con Garbanzos – Smitten Kitchen
4. Thai Chicken Pizza – Rachael Ray
We didn’t eat fast food ONCE this past week. For the record, they were ALL delicious. E ate everything, including the chickpeas.
Yay E! Yay Thai Chicken Pizza!!!
If you want to make it the awesome way, replace cucumbers with carrots. I actual ran out of bean sprouts and used cucumbers AND carrots and it was still delicious. Oh, and leave off the red bell peppers, unless you really really love them.
Thanks! So excited to make this! (I just hope that my family will be excited to eat it?)
p.s. If you don’t have tahini paste (I don’t) just use a little extra peanut butter. I don’t think anyone has ever noticed.
Very impressive. I like how you specified your husband’s pickiness over your 15 month old’s. :)
Please not all meals are carbohydrate based, meaning Baby Evan would eat at least one ingredient from all of them.
Your food looks divine! I’m coming to your house for dinner. How you manage to make all that great looking food with a little one and ANOTHER on the way is beyond me!
You go, Mama!
I just wanted to add. EXCELLENT job on the garnishes!!! :)
You actually made each of those recipes this past week? And photographed them? That’s impressive. And I’m inspired!
I did, but don’t be too impressed. Tonight we had McDonalds. Our weeks either look like this or consist of popcorn and Goldfish for two meals a day. I am incredibly inconsistent.
1. That sauce is making a face at me. A saucy face.
2. Did I briefly think there was a Neil Patrick Harris cookbook when I saw “NPS”? Yes, yes I did. But I definitely did not go to amazon to try and find it, or anything. Because I am a careful reader.
I LOVED the saucy face the whole time I was making it and encouraged the butter to melt in a face-like way.
Holy amazeballs. These ALL look fantastic!!! I cant wait to try these at home. What a great post, I need to find a min to stick some things into my “from my kitchen” page on my blog. ::headdesk::
Did you give Evan away for a week? How was this possible? I am beyond impressed!!