Wordless Wednesday: Real Life Edition
(I edited a lot of these with the Lightroom presets I got for for free when I entered Clickin Mom’s super awesome giveaway. TOTALLY worth entering just for the guaranteed freebies – and even more awesome if you win!)
Tags: brutus, Caroline, evan, photos, real life, wordless wednesday
I don’t know why, but the one of Caroline bending over to sip from the cup on the floor made me giggle.
Your dog’s facial expression is HILARIOUS.
ACK thank you for reminding me about the CM’s giveaway! Now to google to remember how to get my actions in to PS. lol
Also? I <3 your gingers.
Evan looks like he’s plotting and leaves the cup there for Caroline, lol. :)
LOVE these!!
Caroline’s hair is growing in SO CUTE.
My sink looks kinda like that too right now. I love to see other people’s “real life”, especially when it resembles mine. :)
Aw, cute photos!
Evan is getting so big! (I have a soft spot for ginger boys with 2 of my own). and I love how you can make a sink full of dishes look like art.