My Week(334) in iPhone Photos

No, but seriously, can it just stop being cold now? I’m tired of being cold. I don’t even care if it rains, I just want to wear flip-flips.


Have I mentioned we’re going to Disneyworld this summer? Don’t tell the kids, they don’t know.

At the fancy theater to see Beauty & The Beast

Lincoln attack


Peek a boo

My tree is infested with monkeys

The face he makes when I tell him not to climb on the back of the couch


Giving Everest a check-up at Toddler Tuesday

Matchy stripes

Coffee stealer



No, you can’t come in, goodbye

Chicken pineapple party tacos were SO good



Showing off his chompers

New glasses


Passed out

These were gross but delicious

Chatty baby


He’s asleep like this. Standing up.

Making her cooking video show

Finnegan did not care for being trapped in the dark

My weather app says it’s supposed to be 58 degrees and sunny tomorrow. If that’s the case I plan to spend the whole day somewhere that is NOT my couch. I’m so tired of my couch. No one likes their couch enough to spend this much time with it. It’s time to break up with my couch and start dating the stroller, the playground and the seaport.

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One Response to “My Week(334) in iPhone Photos”

  1. Amanda says:

    Hi! I stumbled onto your blog today and was just scrolling. I love the idea of a post like this. I’ve never seen a week-in-review done like this. I like it… I’m still trying to come up with some kind of week-in-review of my own. I’m glad I stumbled here! Have a good week!
    Amanda recently posted… Our Military Moments

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