My Week(166) in iPhone Photos
Late. As of this morning my productivity/desire to write stuff on the internet seems to be back (you know it is when you actually consider commenting on a post on Jezebel) so hopefully my blog won’t totally fade away.

In my first few weekly iPhone pics, Evan could only reach the bottom row. (And Caroline was an inside baby)
We had warm weather today before the POLAR VORTEX hits us tomorrow, so we went outside and ran as many errands as possible. Tomorrow I’m hoping to put all our hot chocolate, throw blankets and Disney movies to good use (although so far the kids still have regular school).
Tags: Caroline, evan, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, new years, photography, pictures, school, shopping, siblings, snow, sports, winter
I was in Ann Arbor on New Years Day … Even crazier than the hockey players were all the people going to that game! 100k people.
Is Caroline clutching a white mini pumpkin in one of those photos?
If so, I think she and Niko are heading toward being Gourd Buddies.
A white mini pumpkin she’s been refusing to throw away since BEFORE HALLOWEEN. I finally forced her to give up the other ones that were rotting but that damn white pumpkin is going to last forever.
LAAAAAAAAAAST Halloween, Niko admired someone’s front porch display of hay bales, corn stalks, and one million gourds, and tried to invite himself into her house. She responded by calling him cute and letting him select one gourd to take home. He selected a white bumpy one which luckily for us dried out completely and now rattles slightly. It is his SPECIAL GOURD and IT IS PRECIOUS TO HIM and he sleeps with it sometimes. I’m so, so glad it didn’t start to rot.
These are great iPhone pictures! I especially love the “feet in the bathtub” picture. How cute! Thanks for posting such really nice pictures!
Your newborn photos are envious, lady.