Posts Tagged ‘end of summer’

The Best Weekend of the Year 2017

Monday, September 11th, 2017

Previously: 2016, 2015, 2015 (part 2), 2014,  2013

I can’t remember when I started calling this the best weekend of the year, but now that’s the official name in our family and we celebrate as if it’s a holiday. Four kids out of the house all weekend isn’t easy but we had a great time as usual and the food makes up for the stress.

Greek Food Festival:

Ledyard Fair (with friends!):

Taste of Italy:

Mystic Eats:

After we went to the food festival in Mystic, we hung out at the Seaport, then went straight to a birthday party, then straight to cheer practice. Operation Keep Them Busy is going along just swimmingly, although if Finnegan keeps waking up at 2 am I’m not going to be able to keep it up every weekend.

Hopefully he let’s me get enough sleep to make it to The Big E next Saturday, because that’s like the whole Best Weekend of the Year rolled into one day.

Wordless Wednesday: Location Scouting Edition

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

It’s still Wednesday, right? I feel like it’s been raining for a week (because it has been raining for a week) so when we got a break last night I dragged the kids all over Eastern CT to find a nice empty (but public) field for taking fall family photos. Success!

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Respect my mad flower-crown making skillz.

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I cut (butchered) Evan’s hair and he aged 10 years.

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Looking at clouds. He said he saw a rhesus monkey wearing a powdered wig. For real.

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