My Week(37) in iPhone Photos


Tug of War. Caroline won.

To really drive a speed boat corectly he's going to need a beer and a sunburn.

Chubby arm

Grocery shopping. My what a lot of carbs you have.


No YOU'RE wearing mismatched pajamas!

Kisses from a friend at Stroller Strides

Chillin' in the only room with A/C and a tv - our super messy bedroom


I made a mess! Look how happy I am!

My official water sprayer at Stroller Strides

Temp at 9 am. Blerg.

Sibiling bath time is now everyone's favorite part of the day - they love the tub and I love that it means it's almost BEDTIME.


I started my first new knitting project in months. Very excited.

"I am just going to warn you now, I am thinking about standing up. Just so you know."



Mom mom mom mom mom mom are you watching mom?


Maybe I should have named her Clementine


Visiting the knitting shop means knitting for me, dancing with adorable little girls for Little Evan

This is what the clock said when I woke up from MY nap. Yay naps.

We tried out the video chat on Google+ (I love it! We should do it!)

This is literally the first time she has ever been in the crib. Ever. I had to empty all the junk out.


Homemade teething biscuits. They were not crunchy, but good for baby nomming.

I have no idea what's going on here.

Target dressing room self portrait. I bought it.

Aw, look at my adorable pale family.

It was one of those weeks that FELT super busy but we really didn’t do much. The feeling-like-crap for a few days didn’t help – neither did the heat – but the weekend so far as been good. I’ve got another book review to write (as soon as I finish the book)(which is due tonight)(eeek) and some BlogHer conference freaking out to do and dinner on the patio to plan and children to snuggle, so I’ll be back but probably not until Tuesday. Hope your weekend was fantastic!

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!

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3 Responses to “My Week(37) in iPhone Photos”

  1. LOVE THIS! my favorites are your dress (it’s perfection! i’m glad you bought it!) and caroline in her crib for the first time (standing!) (OMG!) your kiddos are the cutest around. worrrrrd.

  2. Kimberly says:

    I love that Caroline is just behind O so I can reminisce about the day when he happy just standing- haha! We are both dangerously close to running after two children. And I am totally hunting for that dress at Target. AND the toddler dancing photo melts my heart :)

  3. so wait, is caroline actually sleeping in the crib now?? and i am so glad to read you bought the dress… it looks amazing on you! your captions are the best ever.

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