My Week(13) in iPhone Photos


Playing a game of "Squish Little Evan in the couch". He really likes it, I swear.

5 weeks old


This is the only picture I took Monday. I think it says enough.


Someone wanted to make a fashion statement by refusing the rest of his clothes

So I let him. Toddlers: not worth fighting about pants with!


I wish it wasn't so blurry, but this is a picture of Little Evan putting one of my breast pads in his shirt.

Taking a break from WoW to burp Caroline. I had a "sexiest husband" contest on Twitter last night with Mae & Allison - I should have submitted this picture.


15 more inches of snow. It's at least 2 feet deep - more in the drifts.

But thanks to our snowblower & E's day off I made it out to the grocery store. Don't judge my list.


I made oatmeal-butterscotch cookies in my shiny shiny mixer

And I started knitting this sweater. It's my most ambitious project yet and I'm SKEERED.


What, you don't keep your baby in a laundry basket? p.s. She's yawning, not screaming. She totally fell asleep.

Waiting for our Five Guys burgers after a morning trip to the aquarium. It was a fun day!

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s. Although I wouldn’t check out her photos unless you’re ready to DIE OF JEALOUSY because she’s currently on vacation in Hawaii.

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17 Responses to “My Week(13) in iPhone Photos”

  1. Spencer loves being squished in the couch. As for grocery lists, I never judge.

  2. TMae says:

    Dude, I totally STOLE your grocery list. And am so grateful for it, because I was NOT looking forward to trying to make my own. Apparently, “Food, we need it,” is not sufficient.

    • bebehblog says:

      Did you notice my instructions for myself? “Penne x 2” “Cooked chicken x a lot”. And how lazy am I, buying PRE-COOKED CHICKEN when I have four pounds of chicken breasts in my freezer.

      • TMae says:

        I particularly liked “x a lot.”

        I don’t think of it as lazy, I think of it as practical. I’m even thinking of just printing your list off, in it’s entirety, because pre-cooked chicken seems like a GREAT idea. Plus, I cannot for the life of me get dinner on the table before 6:30 to save my life. Which is hindering my Jeopardy watching. Pre-cooked anything seems like a big ol’ WIN to me.

        • bebehblog says:

          If you want to save my list, I’m going to post a “what we ate this week” round up of the recipes I MADE with all that stuff next week. 7 days worth of meals with commentary on deliciousness. And they are ALL easy – I don’t do complicated.

        • TMae says:

          Oh, my love for you just got a little bit deeper.

  3. raincheckmom says:

    The picture of Caroline in the laundry basket is a HOOT!

  4. Kimberly says:

    My week is not complete without one of your toddler-lying-on-the-dog pics. I love them! And Caroline is looking more and more like you. What a little doll!

  5. Shannon says:

    Yum…animal crackers! I so wish I had more time and was better at knitting. How fun!

  6. Amanda says:

    baby in a laundry basket is just too cute!

  7. michgal18 says:

    I am not judging your list. What I am judging is the fact that u don’t have the grocery IQ app for your phone. It has revolutionized my list making and shopping experiences!!!

    • bebehblog says:

      I’ve tried 3 different grocery/recipe list apps and none of them work for me as well as my handwritten list. But I’ll check that one out.

  8. Swistle says:


  9. I saw your list and I thought “Wow Suzanne’s hand writing has gotten alot worse than I remember! It’s almost as bad as mine.” But of course that’s handwriting of mine from college. My handwriting now is also worse…much worse. In fact, completely illegible. My typing is really fast though. Think there’s a connection? :)

  10. Holly says:

    I love the Evan & Brutus pics – they are such pals. I also love the phrase “Toddlers: not worth fighting about pants with”. And Caroline in the laundry basket is both silly & precious.

  11. MKP says:

    D’aw – Lil E and Caroline are starting to look alike! I’d love it if you put up a pic of both on their respective month days – ooh, and do that thing where you put your and E’s baby pics up! I’ll let you know if I have any other requests because it’s NOT LIKE YOU HAVE ANYTHING GOING ON OR ANYTHING :P

    Also, I propose the caption:
    “Laundry Baskets: Good Enough For Moses, Good Enough For Your Baby.”

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