My Week(327) in iPhone Photos
I was in a hurry to get this done because I thought I was still 2 weeks behind but that’s only because this week has been unbelievably long. I’m doing Weight Watchers again, and while I know it’s good for me, it means I literally just think about food all the time. Like right now. Fooooood.

So many couch naps this week

It turns out if you fold all the clothes, they DO fit in the drawer

Shopping buddies

Nappy while the robot vacuum cleans

Napping while the baby naps

This is giving me life now

Circle of neglect

Dentist day

This is the year they love the snow

He threw a fit about something so I took his picture but that makes him smile

REALLY CONFUSED by that toy screwdriver

Trying to eat the cat

Coffee making chaos

Bathtime chaos

Happy fat baby

He stole my phone, so there are 200 of these

Linc decided he loves hats


Picking out colors for their shelves

And then I took a nap, so I didn’t take any more pictures. The end.
I have made actual, discernable progress towards making my house into a place I like instead of just a place I live. As soon as I can talk my husband into helping me move the guest room furniture I can move most of the toys up there and then on the days when I can’t handle the mess I can just…shut the door. I’m very excited.
Tags: Caroline, cat, dentist, evan, finnegan, hats, home depot, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, selfies, shopping, snow