Today’s surprising news: I’m not dead! I was certain I was about to be dead most of the weekend, thanks to the fountain of snot both coming out of my head and totally blocking my sinuses. If you’ve ever tried to use a netti pot and had the water come out your eye balls, you know why I was convinced of certain death. Today I am both not dead and well enough to be both hungry and bored, which is my normal state.
The most amusing game of duck, duck, goose I’ve ever witnessed.
Dinosaur heaven
Princess Anna give epic side-eye on House of Lies
Totally obsessed with her veggiesaurus
My internet girlfriend/wife/best friend sent me a present. I did not share.
Signing his own valentine’s is HARD
This is the laundry chair, where I put the clean laundry. PLEASE NOTICE THE LACK OF LAUNDRY SITTING ON THE CHAIR.
In my next house, there will be separate tubs for children and relaxing
Looking for Neverland
It’s the moooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeear!!!
E finally got to eat his birthday cake
That iPad has totally paid for itself is mornings they did this instead of wake me up
The only family member still excited about snow
Snow days are exhausting
The inmates are running the asylum.
3 year old bath toes are cuter than mine
Trying to remember what a day WITHOUT snow looks like
If I HAD to be sick and unable to get off the couch, at least I picked the weekend House of Cards was released to do it.
Blushes judges me, but I finished season 2!
Today my goal is a) brush my hair and b) leave the house. I got (a) done at noon and I’m hoping to get (b) accomplished by going to see The Lego Movie later. Then maybe I can tackle harder things like “make dinner” or “unload the dishwasher”. I’m not pushing myself.
Tags: birthday, blushes, brutus, Caroline, cold, Connecticut, E, evan, MORE SNOW, snow, tv, valentine's day, winter
I could never have imagined hating snow this much (although I have LOVED seeing your pics of the kids in the snow)! If there is one more snow day…..