Posts Tagged ‘mohegan park’

My Week(357) in iPhone Photos

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

I can barely remember this week. I can barely remember yesterday. I can barely remember my own name.


Everyone loves our new washer

Matching dinners

I bought a mop.


Rocks we found at the park!

Back to school night hot dogs

He looks so smug


Checking out the white rhinos

Kangaroos know how to relax

Never holds still



Checking out his new playground

Cupcake destroyer


I cleaned downstairs. I cleaned upstairs. I came downstairs to this.

Not excited about school.

Everyone home again and back to chaos


Slowly moving marbles

Cream cheese face

Still learning how to selfie


Rock hunting

Caroline was convinced she could climb this tree

The Niantic turtle

Today, my little baby Finnegan learned how to climb up onto the couch. He still does not know how to climb OFF the couch safely, so my stress level is pretty high. Keeping him from cracking his head open is not my favorite way to spend our afternoons, but then again the ER waiting room would definitely be worse.

I got rid of the old sink from before our bathroom reno today. It feels like a huge accomplishment because it’s been just taking up space in the nursery for months now. Hopefully I can keep taking tiny productive steps until the house is truly clean and organized.

Wordless Wednesday: Mohegan Park

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

mohegan park

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