Posts Tagged ‘32’

My Week(180) in iPhone Photos

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

180 is kind of a crazy number of weeks, right? I mean, I balk every year at doing a 365-project with my DSLR because who takes THAT many pictures?? But it turns out…Me. I do. I take way more than that (although they’re not very good).



Toddler party hangover


I barely talked to him all day, he was so busy with his birthday toys


And then she sticks them with the pointy end because she is AWESOME



Hydration is important


Starting the party clean-up. I should be done by September.


*Almost* warm enough to play on the porch



Puddle jumping


I bought eyebrow tint. I feel like it’s going to change my life.


Rainy days make me feel like that too





The cat and I watched Harry Potter. I am not sure where the children went.





For my birthday, they gave me a day where they were mostly quiet and nice to each other.


I am old now, so I should start putting this stuff on my face. Or whatever.



“Mommy, you gonna get a coffee?”


That’s pregnant lady birthday sushi (deep friend Godzilla roll) and edamame for the kids (Caroline ate the whole bowl)


Adorable and delicious cake



Being sassy in Daddy’s car


She’s getting good at pinatas


Photo shoot at Lords Point. Didn’t suck.

This week is spring break for the kids and because I was worried I’d be stuck at home while E was at sea the kids and I are going to Virginia. Unfortunately (fortunately?? I can’t even tell anymore) E ISN’T at sea, so he’ll get a week of no-wife-no-kids. I am hoping he appreciates the silence, the king sized bed to himself, and as much fast food as he wants. I will not remind him that in Virginia I get to see a dear friend’s new baby, have access to grandparent babysitting and all the Chick-fil-a I can eat. Although I think doing the 8+ hour drive by myself means I earn some waffle fries.

If you see a huge pregnant lady dragging two gingers through the Air & Space Museum, say hi.

Steppin’ Out: E’s Birthday

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Wooooooooooo Date Night!!! My super old husband turned 32 yesterday. I get to call him super old until I turn 30, so it’s a good thing I’m only 22.

We celebrated in style with a little birthday music:

A super delicious carrot cake:

Swear to God, the best cake I've ever baked - and it was from a box and made with applesauce instead of oil.

I managed to light all 32 candles with only one minor thumb burn:

Plus we only burned one tiny hole in the tablecloth!

Then we put the kids to bed, left our babysitter on the couch with the remote and hit Mohegan Sun. It’s handy that we have two of the biggest casinos in the world right down the street.

E's yearly cigar, one of the many cool light fixtures, Leffingwells Bar

Fake sky over Leffingwells

Indoor river, riding the elevator, ceiling over the craps table

You know how people throw coins in fountains for good luck? At casinos, they throw CASH.

We brought home hats "for the kids", Birthday Krispy Kremes, my handsome husband

Terrible cell phone photos are what happen when you're too embarrassed to take a real picture at home in front of the 19 year old babysitter.

Sparkly top: Dress Barn (I’m not even ashamed, they have cute shirts)
Jeggings: Nordstrom Rack
Ridiculous platform heels: Charlotte Russe
Earrings: I don’t remember and it doesn’t really matter since you can’t see them.
Clutch: Ditto the earrings

We lost, of course, because that’s what you do at casinos but it was SO GOOD to be out and doing adult-type things without having to wipe anyone’s nose or mouth or butt. We chatted with grown-ups about things other than our kids. We made angry faces at the douche-canoes who sat down in the middle of our blackjack shoe (because we’re so fancy and worldly we know that’s poor manners). The kids slept the entire time and didn’t even know we ditched them. Let’s do it again soon!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband and Happy Sunday to you!