My Week(180) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, April 13th, 2014180 is kind of a crazy number of weeks, right? I mean, I balk every year at doing a 365-project with my DSLR because who takes THAT many pictures?? But it turns out…Me. I do. I take way more than that (although they’re not very good).

That’s pregnant lady birthday sushi (deep friend Godzilla roll) and edamame for the kids (Caroline ate the whole bowl)
This week is spring break for the kids and because I was worried I’d be stuck at home while E was at sea the kids and I are going to Virginia. Unfortunately (fortunately?? I can’t even tell anymore) E ISN’T at sea, so he’ll get a week of no-wife-no-kids. I am hoping he appreciates the silence, the king sized bed to himself, and as much fast food as he wants. I will not remind him that in Virginia I get to see a dear friend’s new baby, have access to grandparent babysitting and all the Chick-fil-a I can eat. Although I think doing the 8+ hour drive by myself means I earn some waffle fries.
If you see a huge pregnant lady dragging two gingers through the Air & Space Museum, say hi.