My Week(30) in iPhone Photos

Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes with Homemade Raspberry Topping - sounds fancy but they took 10 minutes.

Little Evan's dreams came true when this giant truck came right up our driveway to deliver our gravel

Emergency trip to Toys R Us for an on-sale water table. I'm hoping it keeps one very nosey toddler entertained while we work outside.

Seen in the parking lot: 1990's Bronco with a giant lift kit & the top cut off...with a car seat in the back. Damn fine parenting right there.
Patio weekend continues. We are all extremely dirty and tired and we didn’t even really get started until 4 pm today. Another 12 hours of digging tomorrow and we’ll PROBABLY be ready to start with that giant pile of gravel. I expect to have hugely strong arms by Wednesday.
Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!
Tags: Caroline, fun, little evan, patio, stroller strides, week in iphone photos
ha, caroline’s face is HIL-ARIOUS abt the baby gym. and Evan’s stoller ride? too precious. :)
So good to see you last week! Good luck on the patio-it’s going to be great!
I did it, Suzanne! After weeks of meaning to join in I finally linked up! WOOT.
Also, I cannot wait to see your finished patio. I bet that will be an awesome addition to fun family times! Landon LOVES his water table. But a little warning – sand + water = mud. I learned my lesson and just fill it with water now ;)
We call those goslings awkward teenage geese!
baby toes = pure happiness!
I want those pancakes in my belly NOW. And a cuddly baby (not in my belly). O doesn’t sit still long enough to cuddle anymore. My baby is all grown up :(