Like a Weed
If I was keeping the baby’s actual baby book up to date instead of relying on my blog to document all Baby Evan’s milestones I would have a very busy week of scrapbooking ahead of me. Along with catching up on the baby’s first Christmas*, we had his first real snow (although the closest he got to outside was when we looked out the front door to putĀ E out of his misery and tell him it was ok if he hired the neighborhood kids to do all the shoveling) and two top teeth that finally decided to make an appearance. Um, and also? He grew an inch overnight. I’m not even joking. Check this out…

Friday Night - He's making that face because his feet barely touch the ground and he can't balance well enough to ride on he FANCY NEW TOY.

Saturday Morning - He's much happier now because he grew at least an inch and can now ride on this little car the way he's supposed to...if he was 18 months old. CRAZY TALL BABY IS CRAZY TALL.
*We opened all our family gifts on Sunday because we’re going out of town for Christmas and don’t have the room in the car to bring them. It was actually Baby Evan’s second Christmas because he had his first in Ohio over Thanksgiving and he’s really getting the hang of present opening. We officially have more photos and video of a baby ripping up and chewing on wrapping paper than any one ever.
Tags: baby evan, Christmas, growth spurt, holidays, milestones, pictures
Actually, he looks kind of hunched over in the first one and he’s standing up straighter in the second…I mean, he totally grew two feet overnight. Are the NBA scouts calling yet?
OK, so maybe the hunching doesn’t explain it all. But I think the breastfeeding thing is working. He’ll be driving by Valentine’s.