Cravings, Part 2

Last night at dinner with my husband:

Me: (staring at the bacon on his bacon cheeseburger) That looks delicious. (stares at own meal of salad and turkey sandwich) Why is there no bacon on this?

E: You know, I’m not sure it’s good for a pregnant woman to eat so much bacon.

Me: Why do you hate me and our baby?

E:(silently hands over bacon)


5 Responses to “Cravings, Part 2”

  1. stacyinbean says:

    can’t. stop. laughing.

    “Why do you hate me and our baby,” is priceless and I have no doubt you will utter again!

  2. Trashtastic says:

    Eat that bacon! E, you will not win this one, dollface.

  3. FF says:

    I’m so stealing that line and saving it away for later. “Why do you hate me and our baby.” PURE GOLD. You are my pregnant hero.

  4. cate3710 says:

    Hehehe. Your husband seems to be a smart man.

  5. AGreenEyeDevil says:

    That has to be one of the funniest pregnant food discussions I’ve ever heard!!

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