2 + 2 = Cuter Than Ever
One of my favorite things about meeting internet friends is finding out they are EXACTLY the same as they seem online (and surprisingly, almost everyone I met has been). It’s even better when their KIDS are exactly the same as they seem online (spoken: adorable and charming). The cherry on top is when my kids are also adorable and charming and everyone has a fantastic day. The end. Well, except for this set of pictures of Kim’s kids being awesome with mine at Dinosaur State Park in Rocky Hill.
Thank you to our friends for the wonderful day – at to my husband for helping us wrangle two VERY energetic boys.
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Tags: adorable, Connecticut, E, friends, kids, summer, weekends
Sooooooo cute. I will leave for work smiling…
Thank you so much for a great day & for these gorgeous pictures! I won’t mind at all when JD asks to look at them 5 billion times. Every single shot makes me smile bigger :)
So stinkin’ cute. I love the first couple of pictures where Caroline looks all flirty-demure.
Okay, you are a photography genius (or your kids are significantly better behaved / less prone to looking demonic than mine) because I can’t make just TWO kids look cute at the same time to save my life. I am very impressed that all four look adorable.
I took a zillion shots to get 1 decent one and it took all three adults literally chasing the kids in circles for 20 minutes before they’d sit still. I’m not talented, but I am STUBBORN.
I am sufficiently impressed that you got all 4 kids in one photo and looking the same way. Well done!
Yay! You went! The kiddos are adorable as ever. Caroline cracks me up. She flirts like Elena does. I should vlog Elena doing it. My birth class mom’s group is doing a joint 1st birthday party for all the kiddos in June. We will have about ten kids in a group shot. We are not group shot talented like you. The results are guaranteed to be fun.
Very sweet. One day I will have my children in proximity to your children. Then we will find out which of our redheads is the evil twin. I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S YOURS. ;)
On the way home from meeting Kim I told E that YOU GUYS ARE NEXT, even if it means I have to drive to Ohio.
So cute. I love them all. And I’m a little jealous that you guys all met, kids included. Looks like a blast!
love meeting bloggy friends! i always wonder if it’s gonna be awkward & we ALWAYS have tons & tons to talk about. it’s the best.