My Week(239) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, May 31st, 2015We went to the lake 6 out of 7 days last week. Then we went again today. When I wrote the (large) check to pay for our membership for the summer I thought “Ugh, this is so much money just to sit on a beach when we could go to so many other beaches for free.” But I am eating those words for sure. I’m eating them right along with the beer I drank on the beach today while I watched my big kids play in the water and the baby chewed on a shovel and I chatted with my mom friends. It’s perfect. It’s my favorite place in Connecticut. And next year it is the FIRST membership we buy instead of the last.
Appologies this week and every week for the same 5 lake pictures over and over and over.
We have a packed week coming up with end-of-the-year school stuff, appointments, regularly scheduled things, field day, plus at some point my husband is going to get promoted and we’re all supposed to go. Since he’s currently on night shifts and we’ve barely seen him I’m not EXACTLY sure when that’s going to happen, but I’m told it definitely will. Probably. Maybe. All I know is in between a zillion must-dos this week I will be at the lake.