This is my thinking face, which means I'm about to get in trouble.

This is my thinking face, which means I'm about to get in trouble.

Listen woman, I'll put up with the climbing but if he starts biting I'm outta here.

Listen woman, I'll put up with the climbing but if he starts biting I'm outta here.

I think the cat is actually TRYING to help him stand up.

I think the cat is actually TRYING to help him stand up.

Oh hey, what's under the coffee table? I AM!

Having trouble with your computer? Let me just climb through the coffee table and check out those cords for you!

I'm here to help unload the dishwasher. I'll get the knives!

I'm here to help unload the dishwasher. I'll get the knives!

Look what I did! Look look look! Now you can never leave a room again. Good luck taking a shower!

Look what I did! Look look look! Now you can never leave a room again.

And this morning, I found him standing up in the (mattress still on the highest setting) crib, leaning over the railing.

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7 Responses to “T R O U B L E”

  1. Amanda says:

    Oh em gee! He is getting SOO big! And Madison used to try to take the knifes out the dishwasher too, clearly hazards are a child’s best friend.

  2. h_a_l says:

    Wow! Standing up!! Good luck with what comes next!! I love the pics with the animals. It’s amazing just how patient and understanding my cat is when Ivy grabs his tail or smacks him in the face. Our old cat just stays the hell away but the little guy loves her, it’s so cute!

  3. AGreenEyeDevil says:

    Oh at the mischief written on that cute little face!!!

  4. lalaland13 says:

    Ohh that dishwasher pic takes me back. I apparently would sit in the dishwasher door and be happy with myself. I am not nearly as fond of the things now.

  5. Emmie Bee says:

    ADORABLE! Trouble is a cute look for him!

  6. Step 1. Make sure your crib isn’t in that massive new recall.

    Step 2. Lower the mattress.

    Step 3. Buy Advil. You are going to need it.

  7. bellegourmande says:

    Your dog’s expressions are always priceless. He looks like such a good-natured fellow.

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