My Week(249) in iPhone Photos
Vacation is over as of bedtime tonight, so back to regular life we go. But if ever my children say we never did anything fun with them, I have tons of photographic proof their childhoods were MAGICAL.
Want to hear something crazy? Even though we’ve been on vacation almost 2 weeks when we get home we get to have a staycation for a few days. We plan to alternate between doing all the things and doing nothing (preferably at the lake) so we can enjoy the last days of summer before school starts. I’m not ready for school. This year I have two lunches to pack every day and there is nothing I hate more than packing lunches.
Tags: beach, boat, cards, Caroline, drinking, evan, family, food, horses, iphone photos, kiawah, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, nursing, shopping, south carolina, tula, vacation, virginia