My Week(20) in iPhone Photos

Twenty weeks of iPhone photos! I’ve gotten in the habit of taking a LOT of pictures each week so I can have plenty to chose from when I share them with you. I actually had to move all the previous weeks to our back-up hard drive because my computer’s memory was full. Whoops!


Even though there is NO ACTUAL REASON daylight savings time should have messed with our sleep schedules, I'm blaming it for the 5 am wakeup that lead to a 10 am car nap anyway.

Providence. Hey, did you know they have an Apple Store there?

Perhaps the last Apple Store in the country to still have iPad2's available. Or at least they did. Before E and I bought the last 2.*


It's officially BabyLegs season, now that someone's thighs are full of chub

The snot levels in the house reached EPIC proportions. At least he doesn't mind the sucker.

Hello lover. My birthday present came early.


I HAD to get out of the house so we went for a walk with the $25 third-hand jogger.

And apparently that’s my only pic from Tuesday. Like I said, poor Little Evan’s head cold was making him miserable and barfy so we skipped the whole week at Stroller Strides. I’m going to regret that on Monday.


He thought Brutus looked cold and was sharing his blanket.

All full - milk, water and juice. Poor kid was barely eating so I was trying to keep him hydrated.

New outfit due to naptime puke incident. But he was feeling well enough to ask to go outside.


The weather kept getting better! Little Evan played with his car while I cleaned the porch.

Spring flowers on the door mean it's officially spring. Screw the calendar.

Working out pictures, frames and an arrangement to go around the Modern Bird painting.


He insisted Caroline's bloomers were a hat. And then tried to hide behind the glass door. My kid is weird.


Sale at the yarn store! That magenta yarn is going to be a shrug. Someday.


Someone celebrating turning 3 months old by taking a nap.

And someone celebrating being almost 2 by throwing his spoon on the floor 50 bajillion times turning breakfast. Oh toddlers.

*I cannot believe we bought TWO freakin’ iPads. I thought even buying ONE was a waste of money until I got to play with it and fell in love. But E still had some of his reenlistment bonus left after we did responsible stuff with it and when you sell your soul to the Navy for 5 more years sometimes you need shiny electronics to cheer yourself up. And sometimes you really hate sharing so you buy one for your wife too.

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!

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7 Responses to “My Week(20) in iPhone Photos”

  1. Natalie says:

    ZOMG! How much do you love your epiphanie bag? I am so excited to possibly order mine this week. My stupid stomach issues may put it on the back burner (cuz you know I have to pay for my stupid body being stupid), just depends on if I get a fabulous bday check from family.

    Also?? NOMNOM babylegs. I love those things, and my girls STILL wear their ones from when they were younger. Except for the ones that are “baby” sized. I made the mistake of buying an awesome green pair that were smaller than the average ones. They were super cute too. *sigh*

    Also: don’t you hate feeling like you have to explain why you are able to buy fabulous things sometimes? I do it all the time. In fact, I just did it in my comment. I may buy the bag WITHOUT the bday checks, b/c dammit, I deserve it. YOU deserve an Ipad, as does E! Dammit! We work hard for the fun things!

  2. Awesome!!! — Want to hear more about the new rug!!! Love it!!!

  3. Kimberly says:

    My hubby keeps saying he wants to get an ipad, and I keep telling him we don’t need one (have itouches, smart phones, laptops…). But now that you say it’s okay….. haha :) I did make him laugh by saying it’s a big itouch so why do I want my electronics to get *bigger*. Answer: Because Steve Jobs says so!

  4. Cole says:

    I *love* Mommy’s iPad – I think I play with it more than she does, sometimes… That Modern Bird is GORGEOUS. I’m hoping to win one of my own – maybe you could like the pic of me and Henry on FB?

  5. TMae says:

    You know who loves the iPad in our house? The toddler.

  6. MKP says:

    I cannot BELIEVE we’ve been cooing and ahing over Caroline for 3 whole months already, and lil E for 2 years. Amazing. I love how much your kids are together in these pics, I don’t know why. Probably for the same reason I just made one of my Sim families have two sets of twins about an hour apart….

  7. Randalin says:

    There are so many signs of Spring in these pictures! I love that!

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