My Week(117) in iPhone Photos
It’s cold in Connecticut. It doesn’t really matter HOW cold, since there isn’t some sort of contest for who-can-complain-about-being-the-coldest and once it gets down to below freezing everyone loses the contest anyway. As long as it’s too cold for outside activities my weeks are going to be especially uninteresting.
E had to work today, but the kids and I met up with some old friends at Foxwoods for lunch and games and ice cream. It’s crazy to think when I met them I wasn’t even engaged to E and now between us we have 4 kids 4 and under. They’re moving to Guam in a few days (I am ONLY jealous because I’m so sick of the cold) so we’re trying to squeeze in another visit tomorrow – although Evan is going to be heartbroken when he finds out his new BFF can’t come to his birthday in April.
Did you take iPhone photos of your week? Link up with one or several below! Please consider joining, even if you haven’t done it before – it’s really fun!
Tags: bath time, Caroline, evan, foxwoods, home, iphone photos, movies, my week in iphone photos, photography, shopping, siblings, stroller strides, winter
You captured Evan’s grump with his sister perfectly, and also her “oops” expression! And as for the imitation, I did that to my big brother, too, constantly. Drove him batty!
I think my week is far more uninteresting, unless you like pics of the Kindle screen as I whine about reading a book that uses terminology like “proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.” I want to become a personal trainer, and my former trainer/now friend insists this is the book to start with.
JP is sooo cute! :) And I can only wish I was as as fashionable as Caroline (and Josie)!
Fern Gully!
That picture of Caroline in the rain boots is priceless.
You need the iPhone app Snip Snap – you take pics of your coupons and it stores them in your phone; you can search by store or product, and it automatically deletes expired ones. Plus you can find other people’s coupons, too. I love it because our old system was a huge disorganized basket of coupons by the door – most of which were no good anymore.
Cole laid on the stairs JUST like that last week! Weirdos.