Wordless Wednesday: Zoobilee!

(Anyone remember Zoobilie Zoo? I can still sing the song, but holy cow was that a trippy show. I should really stop complaining Yo Gabba Gabba is weird.)

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

Hasbro big back yard roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

roger williams park zoo

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8 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Zoobilee!”

  1. Shari says:

    Oh my gosh, I LOVED Zoobilee Zoo. I even had a stuffed Talkatoo when I was little! That theme song is totally gonna be stuck in my head all day now.

    Also: that red panda picture is ADORABLE!

  2. raincheckmom says:

    Great pictures Suz!

  3. lyns says:

    I had to post that Zoobilee Zoo video on facebook! I loved Zoobilee Zoo! I’m totally making my kids watch some of the episodes they have on youtube later.

  4. I am totally singing the theme song to Zoobilee Zoo in my head right now. :)

  5. Christa says:

    What zoo is this?

  6. Christa says:

    Cool, thanks! It looks like so much fun!

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