Ubiquitous Year’s End Wrap Up Post
So 2009 was kind of a big year for me, what with HAVIN’ A BABY and all. I guess that was pretty much all I did though, besides stay married for 5 years and write a bunch of crap on the internet. Hey, let’s talk about that!
My 10 20 favorite (and most popular) posts of 2009
1. My first post with an actual baby: He’s finally here!
2. Birth story: Part 1 and Part 2.
3. Same and not the same: Pregnant vs. Drunk
4. Free show? Not so much: I think we need to discuss this.
5. Beautiful belly: Maternity Photos.
6. How to have a baby: Advice, for real.
7. Father & son adorableness: Daddy Time.
8. Real time baby care: 24. and 24: season 2.
9. Everything I know about breastfeeding: Your new breast friend.
10. Baby & dog video cuteness: Ten seconds before…
11. Hey, I’ve been married a while now: 5 years
12. Drama! Suspense! Vaccinations!: Can open, worms everywhere.
13. By far my most commented on post: Confessions of a secret co-sleeper.
14. Ooooo the cooking post: It doesn’t count as making dinner if all you make is a phone call.
15. Cute: A little man of many hats.
16. Bebehblog’s Babywearing Guide!
17. Guest post: Erin’s Breastfeeding Story (one of the best posts on my blog ever, even if it wasn’t the most commented)
18. The president luvs mah bebeh: Getting his political future started.
19. Loss: Knowing what to say.
20. Baby’s first visit with Santa: A little holiday cheer.
Thank you to everyone who reads, thank you to everyone who comments, thank you to everyone who has supported me on the internet, thank you to the mamas I’ve met in the last year, thank you to my friends at Papoose, thank you to my friends at Stroller Strides, thank you to my family, thank you to E’s family, thank you to every single person who has ever held a door for me while I was trying to push the stroller, and thank you to YOU for making 2009 the best year of my life so far.
Coming soon in 2010: Baby Evan eats food, learns to walk and talk, has first birthday. E turns the big 3-0, finds out if he makes officer, Navy possibly transfers us to different state. I, well, I plan to write about all that. And lose 30 lbs. Stay tuned!
Tags: baby evan, breastfeeding, E, funny, lists, milestones, months, pictures, video