Sponsored Post: Your Memories Live On with LiveOn
Thank you to LiveOn for this sponsored opportunity to blog about storing and sharing my most important memories with those closest to me. Although story ideas were provided, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
There are a lot of ways to share photos online. Email. Facebook. Shutterfly. Snapfish. Flickr. Blogs. I use all of them, in one way or another, on a weekly basis. It’s great that even though they’re far away (or far far away) (or really really far far away – Hi Carolyn!) my friends and family can see little parts of our lives.
I sometime worry about the impermanence of all those formats though. I realize once you put something on the internet you have to be prepared for it to be out there in the world forever (did you hear that, teenage cousins on Facebook? FOREVER), but what happens if my server crashes? What happens when I lose my password or my account gets hacked? What happens if the hard drive where I stored all the photos from Little Evan’s first year of life fails unexpectedly and they are lost forever (true – very sad – story)?
Enter LiveOn. In their words:
LiveOn helps you document and share your life now, while keeping your memories alive and safe for future generations to enjoy. We promise to keep all of the pictures, videos, memories, milestones and information you put on your timeline forever. We have an intricate backup system of servers that will act as your personal vault, ensuring your stories are here for your descendants. This promise of memory preservation is the number one priority of our company and we will do everything in our power to keep this promise to you.
In short: LiveOn isn’t just a photo sharing site. In fact, if you’re trying to use it as a photo sharing site you’re going to be annoyed at all the options and words and instructions (I was, because I am bad at following directions). What LiveOn is good for is MEMORIES. You upload your photos, arrange them by event in your life’s timeline (anything from your childhood birthday party to your wedding day to last weekend’s family outing) and store each event as a memory slide show. But the real important part comes later – much much much later. LiveOn doesn’t just help you arrange your memories, it stores them FOREVER. What that means is after you die, your kids (and your kid’s kids and their kids and their kids) have access to all your memories. Think about how amazing it would be to see YOUR grandmother’s wedding with details and captions of who everyone is, where they were and what they were thinking.
Other things I really loved about LiveOn:
– Importing photos from Facebook makes uploading easy (but uploading from your computer is easy too)
– The ability to create memories for people who can’t do it themselves. I’m planning to collect photos of my grandpa over Christmas and curate an account for him. I hope one day my kids appreciate it.
– Once you add the photos and choose the music, the site does all the work of making a slideshow for you. No messing around with fade ins or transitions, but it LOOKS like you spent hours.
– LiveOn offers prompt questions you can easily record yourself answering on webcam, which will expand your memory collection.
Another service LiveOn has is LiveOn Rewind, where they will do the work of scanning in all your old photos (remember the days before digital!?) for you. Because unless you’re my father, you probably don’t have the energy to go through all those old albums yourself. And just because you’re special, you can use the code cgc55 to get 20% LiveOn Rewind!
You can join LiveOn for free and earn credits towards your forever storage just by making memories. And the easiest way to share is with other members, so if you do sign up search for me and we’ll be friends! You can see the rest of my wedding photos. I know you’re excited.
Thank you again to LiveOnfor sponsoring this blog post. Please click here [link to LiveOn] to learn more about storing and sharing your most special memories. I was selected for this sponsorship by Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Tags: family, internet, memories, photos, pictures, sponsored
You really just wanted an excuse to post your wedding pictures again, didn’t you? You cannot fool me!
How cool! And you should always find excuses to post your wedding photos. They are beautiful.