My Week(24) in iPhone Photos
I thought I was going to be missing a few days worth of photos because I’ve been using my phone as a white noise machine for Caroline (it’s like MAGIC – she LOVES the white noise) but all it did was cut my photos down from 400 to 200. I’m an iPhoto phiend.

This is the super-cool old mental hospital in our town. They're FINALLY turning it into some sort of shopping center/housing development - but I'm afraid they're going to tear all the old buildings down.

"Hey, what are we going to do with all these burnt potato chips?" "I know! Let's call them 'gourmet dark' and sell them to suckers like Suzanne!"

I added some daffodils to the flowers from last weekend's party and put them in front of my laptop so this is what I see when I'm working :)
And even with the mid-day grocery shopping (SO CROWDED) I still had time to hit up TJMaxx for some dress shopping. I scored big time for Caroline (THREE gorgeous dresses originally more than $50 a piece for $10 each) and even found an awesome dress for me to wear to the wedding we’re attending in May. It’s Calvin Klein (What are you wearing? A dress! Says who?) and fits me great now BUT will also fit if I manage to lose any weight before the wedding. I even got all fashionable and bought a belt to replace the one it came with. As far as I’m concerned that’s a Major Fashion Risk. I am very excited to wear it. I think I even have a pair of fantastic heels I haven’t worn in years that would match.
Wow, how boring was all that? Hey, welcome to life with 2 kids. TJMaxx is exciting.
Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!
Tags: Caroline, flowers, iphone, little evan, my week in iphone photos, pictures, shopping, stroller strides
Your kids? Adorable. With or without mascara. And I totally have that sweater, albeit a few sizes larger, straight from the Motherland [Ireland]. We could totally be twinsies! :)
u so funny. no, really. you are. every single post (thats supposed to be funny) i laugh here behind my computer. just so ya know. i love the expressions on caroline’s face. she is so snuggle-able!! i never find anything when i go thrifting either but im happy you had success at tj maxx! i love how little e is the only one looking at you in the stroller strides shot too!
1. So what was I supposed to do with my old chaps?!?! ;)
2. Our living room is so messy, it’s beyond having to move toys. It’s time to move houses.
What size are those chaps? They’d be great for church. Do you think they could be altered?
Does anyone else but me find it odd that in addition to the chaps, Goodwill just happened to have a strapless leopard print body suit in stock? No?
I thought that TOO!
that photo of him in the sweater is cracking me up. that look of uncertainty is hilarious. like he hasn’t quite decided if you were serious about the sweater or if he is being punk’d. haha!
and those chaps…i will only assume they were a gift that was greatly unwanted or perhaps part of a costume and later given to the thrift store. yes, let’s just assume that was the case for that person’s sake. however, i am more interested in the next person who is going to buy them and what they plan to do with them.
I ADORE her little face in the laundry basket pic. Too cute! Also? Running to check my baby powder. That stuff expires?!
Good grief – when did Evan turn into a little boy?
Also, I think everyone needs a pair of chaps. Really.
your kiddos = gorgeous. love them!