My Week(148) in iPhone Photos
Last week of summer, first week of school! Except I just realized today Labor Day means no school for anyone tomorrow, so we can fit in one more beach/fun day before we start a regular schedule.

Apparently this is the only photo I took on Sunday. I can’t even remember Sunday. Did Sunday even happen?

In this episode, Spiderman joins S.H.I.E.L.D. I had to Google to find out if that was accurate (it is).

She is loving our outside play time while we wait for the bus. It makes me feel bad we never use our (very tiny) front yard.
I’m so excited Evan likes school, the bus situation seems to be working out, and that when Caroline starts school on Tuesday I will be able to get back to a regular schedule for me too. I loved going to the gym last year, but totally failed during the summer. I need to get exercise back on my list of priorities, if only because I have to be in better shape to work as a photographer. Taking newborn photos is like doing 200 squats. I’m going to have buns of steel if people keep hiring me.
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Tags: beach, Caroline, cat, Connecticut, evan, family, food, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic aquarium, niantic, school, shopping, tv