Heeeeeere fishy fishy fishy fishy
My mom bought me a membership to Mystic Aquarium for my birthday. I suggested she buy me an individual membership with the bring-a-guest option ($100) instead of a family membership ($160) so when Baby Evan (who is free anyways) and I go during the workweek I can bring along another mama and baby. It worked out great! I met two other mamas at the gate at 9:30 and we spent an hour and a half enjoying a very quite aquarium. The indoor exhibit is carpeted so it was a great spot for Baby Evan’s friends who can’t quite walk yet and my Ergo was perfect for carrying him outside.
Unfortunately, since I was the one behind the camera I don’t have any pictures of the both of us, but here are the obligatory photos of fish and whales and sea lions and stuff.
- One of my favorite pictures – the whale, the colors, my reflection!
- No look here! No look there!
- Yes that lobster really is that color.
- Baby Evan fell of that ledge at least 5 times. Only landed on his head once though.
So much fun! Thank you for organizing and being the group photographer (one of the downfalls of having the best camera :) Next time we will be sure to get you in front of the lens! Cora had a blast and was asleep before we got out of the parking lot-hooray!
Mommy *loves* Mystic Aquarium! And now you have reminded her she’ll have to take me there!