Attack of the Snot-Faced Monster

Or “Things My Son Will Find Really Embarassing in 16 Years”

JEEZ MOM, I'm sick here! What's with the photos?

JEEZ MOM, I'm sick here! What's with the photos?


You know, I don't find this onesie ironic OR humorous.

Boy rubbing my snotty face on stuff sure makes me tired! Come here so I can rub it on your shoulder.

Boy rubbing my snotty face on stuff sure makes me tired! Come here so I can rub it on your shoulder.

You know, I don't find this onesie ironic OR humerous.

Are we done here? I need to go let the dog lick my face.

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5 Responses to “Attack of the Snot-Faced Monster”

  1. OMG that second picture is out of control. His face looks like how I feel today! Hope the little guy is feeling better!

  2. Amanda says:

    The second picture is THE BEST! Do we see pictures of daddy Evan looking the same way tomorrow?

  3. lalaland13 says:

    I have a fever, so I can so identify with picture number two.

  4. bellegourmande says:

    Is he lifting one eyebrow in the first photo? I love it! My husband can do that, and I love trying to get photos of him doing it, as he can’t consciously make it happen.

  5. ita says:

    So cute, snot-face and all! I hope he is feeling better now.

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