Aquaphor Works Wonders { Prize Pack Giveaway!}
*Giveaway now closed*
I am blond-haired, blue-eyed, very freckled and of Swedish and English decent…but compared to the rest of my family I have a fantastic tan. E isn’t so much “pale” as “transparent” and the kids definitely take after him. With all that paleness comes the usual complaints – dry itchy skin, sensitivity to all sorts of soaps and additives and cleansers, and chapped cheeks from runny noses and cold air. On top of that, my husband has a mildish case of rosacea (I say mildish, since it doesn’t bother him much – “vain” is not a word in his vocabulary – but it is persistent.)
So when Aquaphor emailed me and was like “Hey, can we send you some Aquaphor to try?” I was like “You mean send me MORE Aquaphor? Since I already buy it in the giant tub since we ran out of the giant tub the Navy prescribed to E for his face? Yes, yes you can.”
They sent me the Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment and the Aquaphor Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo, both of which are favorites already in our house. The Healing Ointment is great on diaper rash, itchy spots and especially on the chapped skin on Evan’s face:

7:30 pm, right after bath. Poor baby. His nose runs and he wipes it with his right sleeve so the right side of his face is always the worst (We’re working on using tissues, I promise).
I used a teeny tiny bit of the Aquaphor Healing Ointment right before bed and…

8:00 am the next morning. Still a little dry but SO much better. Luckily a tube of Aquaphor lasts a long, long time so I just dabbed some more on throughout the day.
It even worked wonders on my thumb last night, after I burned myself lighting E’s birthday candles at 1 am (free tip: don’t play with fire when you’re really, really tired).
The Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo is tear-free, fragrance-free and washes out really easily – all very important factors when trying to wash two squirmy kids who FREAK when you get water in their eyes or ears. Now that Caroline has hair long enough that I need to Deal With It regularly I appreciate that the Aquaphor Wash & Shampoo leaves it soft and shiny. It also took the marker right off both kids hands (and arms and knees and faces…) without drying or irritating their skin. We are Aquaphor devotees and I couldn’t imagine going through a whole winter without it.
To help YOU and your family enjoy your winter, Aquaphor wants to send one of my readers this amazing prize pack:
Bundle of Joy Package
- $50 Visa Gift Card
- “Warm Buddy” to cuddle with
- Ice Age Continental Drift (2012) DVD to watch with your family
- A Pottery Barn kids picture frame to keep and share your memories!
- Godiva hot cocoa mix, perfect after a cold day
- Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment is a dermatologist and pediatrician trusted product that helps protect and relieve dry, cracked skin. It provides effective soothing relief for dry skin and its mild formula is safe for external use on your baby’s delicate, sensitive skin.
- Aquaphor Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo is a mild, fragrance free cleanser that gently cleanses both skin and hair. Enriched with soothing chamomile and provitamin B5, the tear-free formula is specially designed and clinically proven to be gentle for baby’s sensitive skin.
To enter, just leave me a comment on this post sharing something you’re excited about this month! I’ll pick a winner on February 19th and notify them by email, so be sure to enter one when you comment! The giveaway is only open to US Residents who are 18 years of age or older.
p.s. The Warm Buddy in the prize pack is fantastic – it has a bean bag in the middle you can microwave and then tuck inside. Both kids love cuddling it after we’ve been playing outside and I swear it leads to extra couch naps. Exhibit A:
If you find that Aquaphor #WorksWonders, we’d love for you to take and share pictures of how your family is able to enjoy time together with us on Twitter and Facebook!
I was provided with the prize pack listed above as part of my review but no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
And the winner is…Comment #1! (I love when choose #1)
Congrats to straderspiel for winning the prize pack! Watch for an email!
Tags: aquaphor, babies, baby gear, family, giveaway, review, things I love, toddlers, winter
I’m most excited about visiting my baby sister in Texas next week!
Just one thing that I am excited about this month….being one month closer to meeting this little kickboxer growing in my belly!
But I would also be really excited to find something that would really help my dry, cracked, bleeding hands! I want to cry everytime I have to wash my hands :-(
I am excited for a little Momma get-away this weekend spent with my sisters and parents (Ok, and maybe about sleeping in on said getaway!)
I am looking forward to running my first marathon on February 16!
Boy would this be good for my other little ginger nephew who has the same #firstgingerworld problems.
I am excited for a big tax return to pay for my twins graduation open house and graduation announcements. Which by the way, you will get a super cute one!
I’m most excited about my husband getting a new car!
I’m excited for lots of things! Volunteering on the L&D floor, my daughters 9th birthday, her rollerskating party, MOPS moms night out & my new book. February is a great month!
I am excited that this month my mom started watching all three kids for 8 hours on TUESDAYS! (The most glorious day of the week!) I am getting all sorts of stuff down. You know, like entering blog giveaways.
Um, I’m pretty excited about this giveaway, that’s what I’m excited about. We are an eczema family, alas, which is only compounded by dry Cleveland winters. So poor Del gets dry patches on her torso and if we aren’t careful about only letting her have the binky for bedtime (I know, she needs to lose it already) she gets one heck of a chapped face. Plus ICE AGE!! And hot cocoa mix that we don’t have to make ourselves? I think Chris would leak a tear over that one. ;)
I am super excited about my parents coming to visit at the end of the month so my husband and I can attend a film festival child free!
I’m excited for…um…oh I know! Still being on maternity leave all month!
I am most excited for our first family pictures with my 3 1/2 month old. :)
fun! there isn’t a ton of things happening this month, but we DO have several play dates planned with some great friends of ours. the kiddos get to wear themselves out and we get to interact with other parents we like. win-win!
I think I’m just excited for this month to end — enough winter already!
I am super excited about Feeding Tube Awareness Week 2013!!!! It’s going on right now! It’s an opportunity to show the world that feeding tubes (like the one my son has) is a good and positive thing that keeps him healthy!
I would also like to win this because my husband calls me his alabaster queen. Our son also inherited my super fair coloring and in fact ended up as a red head – still not sure where it came from since I’m blond and my husband’s entire family has dark hair.
Cashmere!! I am excited about cashmere. I am also an aquaphor devotee… on you suggestion. But I didn’t know about the body wash. We will be getting us some of that! This winter has killed my face. And aquaphor is the only reason it hasn’t actually fallen off.
I am excited to ditch an unreliable vehicle for one that is reliable :)
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
I am excited about the big giant tub of Aquaphor I just purchased last week! Cami and Cora are so so dry-it’s the only thing that helps. I also did not know about the body wash and will be picking that up ASAP.
I use aquaphor on my cracked horn-like super dry heels and it makes them feel like skin again. IT IS AMAZING!!
I’m super excited for my birthday which is on the 25th of February! I’m going to get together with (adult) friends and watch “John Dies at The End” and eat pizza. Hurrah!
I am excited to finally finish the yearbook I have been putting together for my daughter’s school. It has been such a project to put together! I will be so happy to hit that “finalize” button at the end of the month!
I swear by aquaphor!!! I am excited tot take my kids to the circus this month!
My 8 month old is learning to crawl, and it’s exciting to watch her!
I’m excited about Valentine’s Day and my husband’s birthday this month!
I’m excited for my son’s first time celebrating Valentine’s Day at preschool. He’s so excited to give out the cards he made.
I’m excited to finally finally finally get back to the gym!
I am so excited that instead of valentines cards, flowers, yada yada — we’ve booked a weekend away for my husband who works too much, so i get a date weekend & not just a night :) woooo for grandmas who fly in to babysit all weekend & 2 days of sleep, snuggling & wine!
I’m looking forward to hosting my annual February Sucks party on the 23rd, because February is terrible. It’s short and nobody likes it.
I am excited to be planning my daughters second birthday party!
Great prize pack, Suzanne!
There’s not really much going on for me this month. I guess I am excited to go to Ann Arbor on Saturday night for a friend’s birthday party :) we usually go out and do karaoke.
I’m excited to sleep. The husband is back from deployment and he lets me sleep in on the weekends. Best thing ever.
I’m excited for a crazy month at work to be over! And, by extension, to spend more qt with my baby boy and husband.
I am looking forward to a girls afternoon with my sister this weekend. It is MUCH needed!
It already passed, but I was super excited about a Philly vacation that my husband and I just took. It was so nice to get away and not have to make my own bed for a few days!
Thanks for this giveaway!!
I am excited to get together with family that I have not seen in a while. My kids always have a great time playing with their cousins.
I’m excited about my fiance’s upcoming job interview…we may be moving to Charlotte, NC soon!
I’m excited about our skiing trip and Valentine’s dinner date with hubby
I am excited about my trip to Utah in two weeks to go snowboarding!
I am excited about conversation hearts. Candy is the only good thing about february.
I’m excited about date night Friday (instead of crazy expensive Valebtine’s Day) to see Die Hard!! And there is no end to my excitement that after 13 months my little non sleeper finally can go to sleep without me (and my boobs ;) and is sleeping through most nights!!!
I am excited to take part in ONE BILLION RISING… and FLASH MOB the bejeezus out of me to end violence against women and girls.
We love aquaphor too!
I’m excited that this month will put me just that much closer to meeting my little one! We are due in March with #5!
I’m excited about receiving our tax refund…and the mini shopping spree that will follow!
First of all, we live on this stuff…it does do wonders and we have same issue with wiping noses with sleeves!
I am counting down… to spring break in Florida next month this is the month I let myself start the actual count down.
I’m excited about being one month closer to spring! And for Valentine’s Day, because I’m a sap and I love Valentine’s Day. :)
I’m super excited about my highly mobile 6 month old. Mr. Independent. (the mobility is allowing for more play between him and his older brother.)
I’m excited this month that Saturday is almost here (you know what that means). And I’m excited for the pedicure I’m having in a few hours. I’m excited that winter is almost over.
I’m excited for my very close friend to take some maternity pictures on Sunday! I’m due in 7 weeks and didn’t have pics taken with our first child, so this should be a great keepsake. Also excited for girls night out (dinner…FOOD!) on the 23rd!
We are part of pale, pale club around here too! I’ve never seen the wash and shampoo, so that is great news for me.
I am excited for my sister’s bridal shower this weekend. It will be the fun kick-off to the wedding festivities!
I am excited about Valentine’s Day
Im excited that spring is closer to being here and that its still light out at 5 o clock at night!
Oh, gosh. Can I say I’m excited about the Downton Abbey episode next week?
Ah, yes, aquaphor. I keep travel sized tubes in various places, it is definitely my go-to when my hands crack in the winter dryness.
im excited about this giveaway and valentines day!
This month I am excited about my 8th wedding anniversary!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I am excited about my baby turning 6 MONTHS OLD this month!! Ahhh time flies!!
My son turns 1 on the 16th. Very excited about that…although he still acts and looks like a 8 month old, so maybe in a couple months it will feel real. :)
I am excited this month for all the snow we will get :)
Carter and I love to play in the snow making snowmen and snow angels!
I am excited to see my mom for a long weekend
I’m excited about looking forward to winning a big sweepstakes.
I am excited that we got to eat king cake and make an impromptu trip to see family this month!
I am excited about my daughter turning 5 in a few days :)
I am a transparent redhead and love Aquaphor. I ahave been using it for years to protect my skin from from the nasty Chicago wind and freezing temps. My dermatoligist recommended it after removing a suspicious freckle. He told me the wound should heal from the inside out and keep Aquaphor on it at all times and it healed perfectly. I now have a pale blonde and blue eyed grandson who needs aquaphor.
I am very excited my son and daughter in law are having a new baby and it would be wonderful to share this gift with them. We are all a dry skin family unfortuanatly my husband swears by you cream he uses every single day. Thanks so much for the give a way!!!
Just being here to enjoy family and life !
I am excited that the days are getting longer!
Also, I just started using Aquaphor ointment last month when I realized I was very flaky and needed help fast. It is fantastic!
I am most excited this month because both of my boys baseball seasons begin, “Let’s play ball.”
Family portraits with my 3 y/o and 6 mo. old! =)
I am excited about going home!!! we just got home last night from a stay at children s hospital. Second is we are preparing for the some of the year on Wednesday!! and third i am excited for Aquaphor this stuff is so awesome i am transparent as are my kids.
My sister’s birthday
Being able to take my two oldest shopping for professional clothing this weekend and my daughter getting better
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com