Wordless Wednesday: Hasbro’s Big Back Yard Edition

Our newest obsession, Roger Williams Park Zoo/ Hasbro’s Big Back Yard in Providence. I’ve got a membership that includes a guest, let me know if you want to come with us! (At 9 am, we had the place to ourselves!)

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Caroline

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Evan

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Caroline

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Evan

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Caroline

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Tire Swing

Hasbro's Big Back Yard Caroline

Hasbro's Big Back Yard

Roger Williams Park Zoo

Roger Williams Park Zoo anteater

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7 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Hasbro’s Big Back Yard Edition”

  1. Krystal says:

    ginger babies are my favorite. Looks like you guys had a blast :)

  2. I love Caroline’s zebra outfit!

  3. Sarah says:

    Ginger photo explosion. Love it.

  4. OT and ET says:

    Oh that’s awesome! Your little red heads are the cutest <3 We used to have something like this in our botanical gardens back in Tucson and it was the BEST THING FOR SUMMER MORNINGS EVER! ps. I voted for ya. It doesn't show the results but I hope you get to go to the lux party! Wish I was going to BlogHer. Grrr, jealousy! :)

  5. That photo of Caroline in the glasses just made my whole day. Tell her Suzanne from North Carolina says thank you.

  6. Sarah says:

    How fun! I need to find a place like this in our area for my kids. Looks like a blast =)

    – Sarah

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