Lincoln: 9 Months
I’m almost a full week late with this and I feel really guilty about it. Between the big kid activities, mom friend dates and photography stuff Linc has been a little neglected. Not like, sitting in dirty diapers all day and not fed enough neglected. Just real nap schedule and therefore no happy, peaceful daylight hours at home to take pictures neglected. I think he’ll survive.
If anything is going to kill him it’s gravity. He refuses to accept that flinging himself off of things or out of my arms could end poorly and has the bumps on his head to show for it. He’s started trying to climb UP things as well, so I’m sure the bruises will get worse before they get better. I am trying very hard to be patient with him as he learns how to human but I’m looking forward to the day when he stops the flinging.
Despite this update being late he hasn’t had his 9 month check up yet so I’m not sure how big he actually is, so let’s just go with “big”. He’s at least as heavy as some of his 18 month old baby friends and almost as tall too. Thank God I’m obsessed with the baby wearing stuff – I can work out my back and core and legs without making my wrists super sore. I always forget I have such weak wrists until the baby needs to be held for an hour.
There hasn’t been a lot of sleeping through the night for the last month. Or sleeping during the day for that matter. He’s obviously hitting a ton of milestones right now so I’m not surprised…but I am tired. Co-sleeping is keeping me from being too exhausted to function but sleeping with a baby attached to you is just not the same as sleeping alone. And waking up 4 times a night is still waking up, even if it’s only long enough to roll over. My current favorite fantasy involves a huge glass of wine, some Tylenol PM and sleeping for 18 hours alone in a huge soft bed.
But waking up next to my smiley, cuddly baby is only going to happen for a little while longer so I’ll take it while I can.
Linc’s current likes include swinging, baths, cats, dogs, Caroline, Evan, tickles, being upside down, getting dirty, grass, rocks, sand, bare feet, standing, crawling, cruising, bouncing, pushing, being carried, being worn, the front porch, people who smile at him, being nosey, nursing, clawing my face, pulling my hair,
Dislikes are mommy being out of sight, mommy putting him down when he doesn’t feel like being down, mommy taking a shower, not getting nursies fast enough and falling on his head.
We will title this month’s photos: Can’t Hold Him Down
9 Month Milestones (from Caroline’s 9 month post)
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Stands while holding onto something – Very good at standing and has started letting go. Sometimes when I put him down I forget and just leave him standing in the middle of the room.
Jabbers or combines syllables – He definitely thinks we’re having conversations.
Understands object permanence – Ah yes, the “never pee alone” stage.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Cruises while holding onto furniture – He’s an excellent cruiser. He also uses a couple of walkers and the chairs to the kid-sized table to get places the permanent furniture doesn’t connect to.
Drinks from a sippy cup – Eh. I give him some water sometimes, he’s mostly uninterested.
Eats with fingers – He can definitely get food into his face with his hands.
Bangs objects together – I’m not actually sure I’ve seen him do that. There go my hopes he’s a prodigy on the cymbals.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo – He doesn’t have that much control over his hands yet.
Says “mama” or “dada” to the correct parent – No, he still mostly refers to me with a high pitched screeching.
Tags: 9 months, baby, baby #3, linc, lincoln, milestones, monthday, monthday update
He makes Caroline look tiny!!!!!! Is he that big or is she particularly dainty?
[…] Lincoln 9 months, Caroline 9 months, Evan 9 months – I think Finn definitely looks the most like Evan at 9 […]