Twitter Home Tour

I’m not really sure how I got involved with this crazy undertaking, but let it serve as a warning to you, dear readers. Don’t ever say “Wow, that sounds like a good idea!” on Twitter unless you are willing to dedicate at least a week of your life to that idea.

Today, I’m participating in the Twitter  Home Tour with 10 12 14 a bunch of other fellow bloggers. Instead of our usual posts where we open our lives and families and joys and struggles to the world, we’re opening our doors. Literally.

Now, before I start with the eighteenbazillionty house pictures, let me share a tiny disclaimer. The home you are about to see does not exist. It is an illusion. A fallacy. A lie. A figment of my imagination. It is impossible to come and visit this home in any city, in any country, on any planet. The home I am sharing today is not where I live. Oh sure, technically it’s my address, the land and walls and roof we pay our mortgage on each month. But the house I actually live in does not look like this. It is a perpetual MESS. There are toys everywhere, dishes in the sink, laundry piles waiting to be washed or folded, boxes that have only made it half way to the attic and wait in the hallway to ambush your ankles at night. My home is lived in. It took a ton of work to make it even kind of presentable for these pictures and even then I dragged stuff in and out of every room as I took the shots. And you’re probably going to look at these pictures and think “Jeez, this is her house at its BEST?” so my disclaimer is unnecessary. But I started this blog to share a truly honest view of pregnancy, babies and life, so I couldn’t do this tour without being honest.

OK, since you haven’t given up yet, on to the tour!

View from the street

First let me tell you the story of how we bought this beautiful house. I used to work in a real estate office (sidenote: BEST. JOB. EVER. for nosey busy-bodies like me, especially nosey busy-bodies who love houses)(which is really why I’m doing this house tour thing at all) and one day this house came on the market. It was waaaaaaay out of our price range but I loved it so much I printed out a copy of the listing and taped it to my fridge. Every time I looked at it I thought “If only I could live in a house like this SOME DAY.” I’ll spare you the long version of the story but eventually they lowered the price, we worked out our financial problems and VOILA! Home sweet home.

Front steps

In a couple more weeks those stone flower boxes will be filled with flowers, but I can’t plant until Mother’s Day. It’s the #1 gardening rule in New England – once the weather is nice, WAIT A MONTH or you’ll lose all your plants to a late frost. The old wash bucket is for flowers too. I try not to keep junk in my yard for no reason.

Front door

A porch swing is for swinging

It's a pretty big porch

My father, mother, E and I rebuilt that porch last summer, knowing that THIS year those bars to keep the baby from falling through the screen would come in handy.

Ok, NOW you can come in.

Entry table and mirror - found in an empty rental house next to the one I used to live in. I adopted them for my own.

Entry bench - old seats from a real theater my mom bought at a garage sale and that I envied EVERY DAY growing up. Now they're MIIIIINE.

Not pictured: Dirty socks, newborn size diapers, popcorn machine from the party, three pairs of shoes, about a zillion books and possibly some Christmas decorations I keep meaning to bring upstairs.

To the right of the entry is my Formal Living Room

Facing the front of the house

Mantle of the fireplace

Why yes that IS a large mahogany buffet in front of a wood burning fireplace. No it doesn’t usually go there – I moved it for the party and decided it can just stay for the summer. We bought it at a flea market to use in our dining room…and then bought a nicer china cabinet later the same day. So this buffet was a sofa-back table in the living room until I threw out the sofa. Now it’s homeless. If you’d be interesting in adopting this very well behaved, totally housebroken buffet, it’s available for a very reasonable price. Also, I used to have really cool stuff hanging over the mantle but took it down for the party and fell out of love with it. I’m currently accepting suggestions for what to do next.

One of my best flea market finds: $20 cane and bent wood chair. Came with the cushions too.

Our floors. I loooooove our floors. Someday we'll have them refinished and restored but I swear we will never, ever change them. Scout's honor.

AHA! Collection #1: Decanturs. These are actually E's. We keep them in one of the built in cabinets by those half columns in the living room.

Ok! On to the dining room! Most of which you’ve already seen from the living room!

It took me three tries to pick two shades of yellow I could live with in that room.

And those CURTAINS. I debated over those curtains for MONTHS. Oh Pottery Barn, thy name is hell.

Last wall of the dining room. As promised, my glass chicken collection is on the piano. Everyone should have a piano on which to display their glass chickens.

Oh you don't have a glass chicken collection? What a shame.

This is the cabinet that replace the homeless buffet. There are more glass chickens in the left hand side. OH! AND! The top "drawer" is really a fold down desk. *SWOON* Hidden desk!!!

Did you happen to catch Collection #3 in those dining room photos? Here’s a hint: it’s milkglass vases. The kind you can buy at Goodwill for 25 cents. The kind people at yard sales GIVE YOU because no one wants. What can I say, I like junk.

OK, back to the entry. If you go straight from the front door, here’s the hallway.


The door on the left goes to the basement, the second door on the left is the half-bath. The door on the right is the pantry, the second door on the right is the coat closet.

The way to the basement also as a side door to the teeny little fenced side yard.

And THOSE stairs go down to the basement. Which you will not be seeing. It's dirty and gross and full of tools and boxes and cat litter. Really, just a basement.

Half bath. Teeny tiny half bath. Let's call it quaint.

Yes, I would definitely call this quaint. And yes, I did clean that tile.

What every quaint bathroom needs: a GIANT FLOWER PAINTING. $10 at a neighbor's garage sale.

OK, done with the boring stuff and on to the parts of the house we actually LIVE IN. I’m going to start with the kitchen.

Why yes, this is part of the kitchen.

Remember how I talked about my lack of counter space? Well that spot right there, with the shoes and the high chair are, is where my new kitchen island is going. But until it’s installed, please admire the truly gorgeous tile floor my husband and father installed.

Here's a quick peek out the back door to the one car garage and part of the garden. I hear there's going to be a garden tour post in June.

Back to the kitchen. Here’s your free tip for today: No matter how nice you’ll think it looks, don’t install tile on the diagonal. Just trust me.

We call this our wall-o-kitchen.

Even at its cleanest, please notice the total lack of work space on the counters.

Now on to a room you’re probably going to recognize if you’ve ever seen a single picture of my kid before. I would say we spend 95% of our at-home, awake hours in this room.


Oh yeah, THAT'S why we hang out in here. And I don't mean the books.

Our renovations include: painting the walls (Ralph Lauren suede in case you were wondering) new ceiling fan, having the floors refinished and E’s woodworking projects – both bookcases and the toy box.

The first of two wall word decals. 10 points to the dork who names the source! Here's a clue: E and I both love this movie equally.

Collection #4! Bird pictures over the toy box. Purchased from Etsy for less than $12 each.

So that’s the first floor! How excited are you to find out there are TWO MORE TO GO? I promise I’ll try not to drag it out forever. But first lets go back to the entry so you don’t get lost.

See, NOW you remember what the entry looked like! For future reference: note the green things on top of the window. They might come up later.

The stained glass window is from a flea market (and please note, when I say “a flea market” I really mean “all the same flea market I go to far too often”). I hung it up because I couldn’t find curtains I liked and that window looks RIGHT out onto my neighbor’s house.

Collection #...what are we up to? 5? I bet you don't even know what these are. But I do. And I collect them.

We made it! We're actually up the stairs!!

All that crap hanging on the walls are awards, certificates and other random crap E has collected during his time in the Navy. Other military families will recognize it as an “I Love Me Wall”, although in our case it’s an entire “I Love Me Stairwell”. If he gets any more commendations I’m going to need a much taller ladder.

Upstairs hallway and another of E's certificates. I think he got that one for going through the Suez Canal.

The following rooms are featured in a clockwise direction starting from the door on the left in the picture above. Try to keep up.

Not pictured: TONS AND TONS OF CRAP.

I know the giant tub LOOKS awesome but I'd trade a normal tub-shower combination for that giant tub and the HORRIBLE stand up shower in a second.

Not pictured: Blue plastic baby tub, the three dozen bath toys, a large pile of towels and several pairs of baby pajamas I usually keep in that adorable chair.

Adorable Chair: $30 from a neighbor's garage sale. Perfect for hiding tubes of Preparation H under when you don't want all your guests to know about those hemorrhoids.

Back when this bathroom was for grown ups, I used to light these candles and relax with the jets in the tub and a glass of wine. Sigh.

BEST PART OF THE UPSTAIRS BATHROOM: Laundy hookups. No more carrying baskets to the basement!

A note about the room you’re about to see. All the stuff, including the wall color, used to be in what is now the nursery. I had redone the WHOLE ROOM less than a year before I got pregnant without thinking that room made most sense for the baby. Doing all the painting just about killed me.

Do you see Collection #6? I do. And part of collection #7. Please ignore the elliptical machine in the corner. PLEASE.

The chandelier was 75% off at a Bombay Company store that was going out of business.

Why yes, I did used to watch a lot of Trading Spaces. Why do you ask? p.s. That pillow is totally held together with hot glue.

Art deco furniture is from...can you guess? A neighbor's garage sale. I got the dresser, mirror, headboard and footboard for $100. Plus she delivered it!

Cedar chest from a flea market. Globes from a flea market. Chair in the reflection from a flea market.Cat in the reflection from...the devil.

Now you get to see where the magic happens. I’M SORRY. I HAD TO. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

Why yes, that bed IS enormous. Thanks for noticing.

Wall words #2. Whatevs. I think they're cute.

And here's all the proof you need of just how uncool I am.

And I'm back to redeem myself! How cute is this idea? I think I saw it in a magzine but I will totally take credit for inventing it myself.

How about that Navy guy kissing the nurse poster? Is that +1 or like -10000 on the cool scale? Wait, don't tell me. I don't want to know.

Just in case you’re STILL READING this post (bless you) now you get to see the nursery. Where the baby sleeps! I have to say, when I set up and designed the nursery I had no frickin’ clue what a baby needed. Take  for example, a night light. With the light on, Baby Evan wakes up every couple of hours, notices I’m not there and cries. In the PITCH BLACK, he wakes up, gets bored and goes back to sleep. Seriously, if you’re struggling with sleep problems, turn off the nightlight!

This room used to have carpet. Horrible, 3-D looking carpet. THIS IS WHAT WAS UNDERNEATH.

I’m actually shocked by how much I HAVEN’T changed since we first set up the nursery. Besides the size of the clothing, a lot more books and toys and the foam mats for naked baby time, it’s almost the same. Of course, I also added the chalkboard wall but since I put the changing table back upstairs it’s kind of hidden. I’m still in love with my Where The Wild Things Are slash Pirate slash Palm Tree slash Adventure theme. Very cohesive.

Someone still rocks Baby Evan in that chair every night. Good purchase.

Cool design feature time! This is a plate rack I used to hang clothes because the closet is already full of my own stuff. The Wild Things are from my sister.

Evan's crib friends. Quite a mixed crowd.

This was my whole inspiration. I like to think it gives Baby Evan good dreams about good books.

This concludes the Twitter Home Tour. Good-bye. Nice to see you.

What’s that you say? I mentioned the house was THREE floors? No no, you’re imagining things. There’s not third floor. OK, well, TECHNICALLY there is. TECHNICALLY that’s where the fourth bedroom is.

Sigh. Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Scared yet?

This is just the landing. Run while you can.


Would you believe me if I swore on my baby's life that this is an IMPROVEMENT over what the room looked like when we moved in? It used to have black and orange giant zoo animal wall paper. For real. Some day we're going to recarpt and paint the walls a color that can't be described as "flesh" but for now, it's just junk. And not the good kind.

Oh my God, I am EXHAUSTED. I hope you aren’t bored to death of me by now and wondering where the mommy blogging went. I promise to never do this again. Mostly because it was WAY too much work for one day but also so you don’t have to read it. No one needs to know about my glass chickens and my globes. That’s what she said.

But if you’re enjoying being a nosey-parker house-peeker, please check out the rest of the bloggers taking part in today’s Twitter Home Tour. You can find their links below.

Once upon a time, @MomNom, @jennandtonica, @emmie_bee, @heirtoblair, and @ColeEmmett were talking about home decor on Twitter. We thought it would be so great to be able to see each other’s homes! A *bunch* of other tweeps joined in, @Alena29 put together a terrific button, and #twitterhometour (or #twitterhouseparty) was born! Feel free to join us – add a link to your home tour post (pictures, video, or both!) below.

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35 Responses to “Twitter Home Tour”

  1. Law Momma says:

    Your house is why I *KNEW* I should not participate in this darn thing! SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! I’m jealous and sorta sad about my own house now…. gee, thanks. :) Love your house, honest!

  2. Your house is totally charming! And that porch…oh that porch is TO DIE FOR!!!

  3. Alena says:

    Seriously I love your house! I love the wall colors. I love it all!!

  4. brigidkeely says:

    Your house is super beautiful and I’m so jealous of it and all the space you have, especially your multiple bathrooms and your giant front porch. And your counter space. You have about double the counter space I have.

    You ALSO have a super fantastic eye for color. Wow! Your house looks GREAT.

  5. Lisa says:

    I gasped when I saw your floors. So amazing, your house is really beautiful.

  6. Heidi-D says:

    Charming and country! Loved it!

  7. becca says:

    i am in love with your house. from the front porch to the floors to your moulin rouge quote (one of my favorites of all time). great job!

  8. Nicci says:

    Girl, I am in LOVE with your house. So beautiful!

  9. Tiffany says:

    Your house is so beautiful! So colorful! I love it. I wasn’t able to get my crazy together to post today, but I will tomorrow. Promise. Hope you stop by.

  10. Katie says:

    That first wall-decal quote is from “Moulin Rouge.” (Do I win the dork prize?) Oh yeah — your house is gorgeous. I don’t care how many disclaimers you post.

  11. Katie says:

    Okay, now I am embarrassed of my house. Yours is just too cute. Love your style and I totally plan on copying your jewelry frame things and the quote above your bed. Hope that’s okay :)

  12. So much house to love! I think the neatest part is the trim on the windows and the flooring. You have done a lovely job with it!

  13. Emmie Bee says:

    I LOVE it Suzanne. I love your collections- my mom has some of those glass chickens on her windowsill in her kitchen. And the glass electrical wire topper things are awesome!! You have a huge beautiful house! It’s exactly what I picture a proper NE home to look like. :)

  14. Amy says:

    You’re not the only one with a glass chicken collection. But mine live in the kitchen window. With the glass corn. But seriously – love you house!

  15. TMae says:

    While I sympathize with your counter sitch – I have less than half of it. I have cutting boards that I lay on the stove so that I can DOUBLE my available work space. :-)

    That being said, I love your house. If you guys ever move, and we decide to move to Connecticut please give a holler.

  16. Aunt Katie says:

    OK – So I have at least one of each of the items in your collection list. Send me the list and i will send you them. I have the chickens, the glass (phone thing) on the window sill in my kitchen,(I do not have the etsy bird photos), globe,Where the Wild Things are characters, Harry Potter, Twilight, glass bottles and “me Wall” from the Navy. I’m gonna take photos and show you. I have a 3rd floor for storage but my house does not look 1/2 as cute as yours. Please come decorate my 5 bedroom 2 bath house full of 4 teenagers… Please.Please. Please.
    Aunt Katie

  17. TMae says:

    Oh, wait! Collection #5; those are insulators off of electric power pole wires! Yes, that’s the technical term for them.

    And I especially want your porch.

  18. Your house is STUNNING. I could list everything that I like, but I *love* all of it. I am completely and utterly consumed by jealousy – the wall colors, the space, the decor, the personal details – perfection! OMG and a porch! I want old theatre seats in my entryway! Seriously – Love. Everything.

    Movie quote = Moulin Rouge, btw. Which I also love.

  19. Merin says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one with house envy over your wonderful house. If you get tired of your super cute house and would like a real decorating challenge, please feel free to come over to the exciting Troutman subdivision/modular raised ranch and offer suggestions!

  20. Megan says:

    Hey look, your blog already knows my name. Your house is stunning. Thanks for letting us poke around. I too have house envy, all the architectural details are amazing. And, I’m totally interested in giving the sideboard a forever home. :)

  21. Amy says:

    I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!!! I don’t think there is a single things I don’t love, ok that orange carpet on the third floor is :eh:. Can’t believe you like my porch after seeing yours! I am, as you read, a huge fan of porch time :)

  22. Great use of color! And I do know what those “things” are for collection number 5 — my awesome grandma collects those. :) So pretty!

  23. Your home is amazing, I love all of the character that it has! Older homes have such charm that can not be duplicated, only imitated in new construction. Mel :)

  24. Stop making me miss New England so much, lady!!! For some reason the Midwest is sorely lacking in awesome yardsale/flea market finds.

    Also, I am going to go reorganize my finances so I can get me a house just like yours.

  25. WOW! I don’t know where to start. I LOVE the porch,especially the swing. I love your kitchen, especially the tile. I love the wall quotes and I love those fabric things on your wall above you bed. I did that in my daughter’s room & I don’t know what they are called, but your look great. Perfectly coordiated details all throughout your house. Just gorgeous.

  26. I love the porch on your house. I lust after a porch of my own like that some day. I have internal conflict. I LOVE your style home. Old and worn in and lovely but I also LOVE modern style homes. Very cute space, Mama!

  27. WOW!
    I feel I just walked into a ‘Home & Country’ magazine. So cozy and so Southern.
    You did an amazing job.

  28. Jenny says:

    I have a crazy urge to start up a collection of *something.* Or MANY *somethings.* And your front porch? To DIE for!

  29. Londonmum says:

    What a very interesting post to read! It’s really like walking around someone’s house when they are not there and getting to be nosey! I love it. You have a very beautiful, well thought out house that you should be very proud of. Evan’s nursery is putting me to shame!

  30. […] so it’s not THAT kind of garden party. In the spirit of the Twitter Home Tour a few weeks ago, Little Boy Green set up a garden/window box/house plant/flower/veggie/sand/rocks […]

  31. Hey i just thought I should leave a bit of feedback as i very much admireyour website its so interesting, keep it up!

  32. Katrina says:

    Don’t know how I missed this post, but I JUST found it while checking out your new blog design. What a great house, Suzanne! You are so creative & DYI! By the way, you’re never invited over to my house because compared to yours mine looks like a college dorm room. Ha ha! (Just kidding–you’re invited over any time!)

  33. […] and uselessness. We live in an old house, designed for formal entertaining (you can see the house tour here, although we’ve changed almost every room since then) which is fantastic when it comes to […]

  34. […] with spokes and a twirly thing at the bottom. (Terrible description, if you care you can look at my home tour.)(WOW, my house was clean. It doesn’t look like that AT ALL anymore.) Any […]

  35. […] lot has changed since my last home tour in April 2010, and although I’ve documented most of our renovations step by step I thought it would be fun […]

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