Posts Tagged ‘sunscreen’

Hello mustache my old friend

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Scene: E has just come home from work. Baby Evan is napping, I’m on the couch watching TV and interneting.

E: Stares at me really weird, tipping his head and squinting.

Me: What? Do I have something on my face?

E: Yes. Maybe? It looks like you have dirt. On your…face. Above your lip.


E: You have a….mustache?

Me: Don’t you remember? This happened last time I was pregnant too. It’s called melasma.

E: AHAHAHA. You have a mustache. I mean, um, I think it’s sexy. Yes, sexy.

(The good news is I’m pretty sure it faded after a few weeks last time, since I certainly can’t see it in my photos from 4 or 5 months in. But it is definitely time to buckle down with the SPF60. Effing mustache.)