Posts Tagged ‘awesomeness’

Mail Call!

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009

I got two awesome things in the mail on Wednesday both thanks to Twitter. For something I resisted so hard it sure has turned out to be awesome First, I got the swaddle set I somehow won for registering with bTrendie through a twitter friend’s tweet link (if you’re interested in joining, mention it in the comments and I’ll email you an invitation):

The hat has antenae! He's too old now to use the blanket as an actual swaddle but it's so nice I'll just use it as a blanket.

The hat is so sweet it's rotting my teeth. He's too old now to use the blanket as an actual swaddle but it's huge and soft and will make an excellent stroller cover.

Second, I got an absolutely gorgeous hand-made sweater. It was made by the friend of my lovely mommy blogger friend Mama Jade, who posted a picture of her adorable baby J wearing it on Twitter and offered it up for sale. It came in the mail today, and I am in L O V E.

How cute is that sweater!? It has a zipper up the back and it fits him perfectly.

How cute is that sweater!? It has a zipper up the back and it fits him perfectly.

Twitter FTW!