Shutterfly Spring Annoucements & Photo Book Giveaway

Have you noticed we’ve been in a celebratory mood around here? I don’t know what could have possibly given it away, besides maybe my endless posts about Evan’s 2nd birthday. I just really love any occasion that involves a good party. And who doesn’t? Dressing up and eating delicious food are two of the greatest joys of life.

And it’s not ending yet – my sister in law is getting married in May and we’re driving to Ohio to celebrate marrying off the last of E’s siblings to a dashing Air Force officer. I really really love weddings, and not just because I hear there’s going to be drinking and dancing at this one.* E is part of the bridal party (and is wearing his fancy dress uniform) so it will be a Major Picture Taking event. I can neither confirm nor deny I am in the market for matching seersucker outfits for the kids. I’ve already pulled out my camera manual so I can finally learn to use it without all my pictures turning out bright blue. (No, seriously, WHY are all my pictures so blue when I shoot in aperture preferred mode?) And once I take all the beautiful pictures, instead of letting them just sit in my computer I’m going to turn them into a photo book from Shutterfly. I’ve ordered photo books from Shutterfly before – I used one for Little Evan’s guest book at his first birthday and I ordered one with Caroline’s newborn/Christmas pictures. I LOVE them.

Photo book turned guest book from Evan's 1st birthday

It’s so much easier than ordering prints and stuffing them into albums or – God forbid – attempting to scrapbook them. Seriously, even the words scrapbooking send me into convulsions or terror. These photo books were invented exactly for people like me.

Or if you’re celebrating something else, you can check out the adorable birth announcements and save the date cards (confidential to my friends Chris and Erin – I KNOW you need some save the dates! How cute are these:)

Adorables, no?

And hey, if I figure out my camera maybe I could take cute pictures for you! Although I can’t make any promises they won’t be blue. Perhaps you should consider teal and aqua as wedding colors?

*Sometimes our relatives get married in Mennonite churches so there is a lack of drinking. And dancing. And music. And caffeine. And happiness. JUST KIDDING. But just about the happiness. The rest is all true.


To put a little spring in your spring today, I’ve got a code for a FREE 8×8 photo book from Shutterfly to give away. To enter, just leave a comment on this post. It can be whatever you want, but if you need an idea let’s all share our favorite flavor of jelly bean (any by jelly bean I mean the fancy Jelly Belly kind because the other kinds are GROSS).

Mine is juicy pear. Yes I know the complete names for all the flavors.

Giveaway ends Sunday night. Code doesn’t include shipping costs.  Be sure to use a real email in your comment so I can contact you. And thanks so much for entering!


Are you a blogger, too? Click here to register for a chance at 50 free announcements!

This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

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28 Responses to “Shutterfly Spring Annoucements & Photo Book Giveaway”

  1. sarah says:

    Buttered popcorn! I love Jelly Bellys. Most other jellybeans aren’t vegetarian, but those are!

  2. Charlotte Anne says:

    I like the starburst kind, especially the pink and red ones. I could do without the green and purple!

  3. C says:

    I like a lot of them, but I find I have to eat them one by one instead of my usual style with candy which is stuffing my mouth with as many can fit at a time. I tend to like the fruitier ones, I think there’s a red fruit punch one that I like? Not as big a fan of the coffee flavoured ones.

  4. Amy says:

    We are Jelly Belly twins!!! Juicy Pear has always been my favorite also!

  5. Megan says:

    I like lime ones! YUM

  6. Suz B says:

    I love the watermelon flavor!

  7. Audrey says:

    If your photos are blue it’s because you have the lighting set for the wrong thing. There should be lighting settings for sunshine, cloudy, tungsten, florescent and flash. My guess would be it’s set on florescent when it doesn’t need to be. Aperture mode won’t have anything to do with the kind of light your camera is expecting to get and thus self adjusting for, just the intensity of light.

    Also – photobook giveaways for the win!

  8. Mama Fisch says:

    I love the raspberry ones… And I am too scared to shoot in manual. It is a goal for this summer.

  9. Jennifer says:

    My favorite Jelly Belly flavors are Peach and Very Cherry.

    And I was just thinking I needed a new photobook! I want to get one every 6 months or so for my son…

  10. Light blue! And toasted marshmallow!

  11. Rebecca says:

    I try to stick only to the fruit flavors. I really don’t like it when I get something funky I wasn’t expecting!

  12. Natalie says:

    Mmm…toasted marshmallow mmmm…Jelly Bellys…

  13. Watermelon all the way! Now I have to go to the store to get more Jelly Belly’s…

  14. Kimberly says:

    Strawberry Jam is definitely the best flavor :)
    PS- I just pinned your guest book pic. Totally stealing that idea for O’s bday :)

  15. Jennifer W says:

    I know most people aren’t a fan of them, but I LOVE buttered popcorn. My mouth is salivating just thinking about it.

  16. ryan says:

    I’m also a Buttered Popcorn slut. When the local SuperTarget got rid of their bulk candy aisle, which carried bins and bins of single Jelly Belly flavors, I cried.

  17. Leah says:

    While it’s not seersucker, I do have a set of vintage boy and girl sailor-style outfits that I got at a thrift store for next to nothing. The dress is infant sized and white top/navy shorts combo is 3T. I have one kid that is too big to wear them and one that doesn’t exist yet so there’ll never be the chance they could wear them together at a function….

  18. Sarah says:

    My favorite is cherry!!

  19. Barbra says:

    I really need to make a photobook for Knox. and i’m another sucker for buttered popcorn.

  20. Michelle says:

    I love the Dr. Pepper ones. Almost as much as I love this blog. You helped me through many wee hours nursing sessions with post partum depression. The baby is six months old, I’m feeling much better, and I recommend you to my mommy friends!

  21. Julie Jones says:

    I like very cherry and popcorn. Great giveaway Thanks!!
    Happy Spring!

  22. Stacy says:

    My two favorites are the extra hot cinnamon ones (I forget their specific name!) and the pink grapefruit! YUM.

  23. Julie S. says:

    Sizzling Cinnamon is by FAR my favorite! :)

  24. bellegourmande says:

    I like the sour ones, in particular cherry. Yum! I also love shutteryfly photo books! That’s what I made my parents for Christmas this year–a photo book of Ellis’ first 6 months. They looooved it.

  25. Lori says:

    I’m a big fan of orange sherbet!

  26. Tasha says:

    Root beer!

  27. Anna Musatov says:

    Juicy pear, of course.

  28. Jl Johnson says:

    Ooooh my favorite is cantaloupe which is super hard to find so I end up buying the tropical bag and just picking them out!
    luckyseattlemom at gmail dot com

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