My Week(86) in iPhone Photos

I apologize for my pictures this week – if you are currently stuck in an office you are going to HATE me.


On my way Mommy!

What, don’t you grow trees in your gutters?

Buy these.


5 am means iPhone in bed because Mommy is NOT getting up

I had to wake her up at 9 am. She was not amused.

More straw cup stealing


Getting a little blogging done while we wait for the car to be fixed

Very pleased with her stool climbing skills

Couch naps FTW


Billion degrees at the rest stop

Car full o’babies

Swing break at MorMor and Bumpas house


Beach House!

Candy counter at the Piggly Wiggly. I miss the South.

Sitting on the floor of the Piggly Wiggly. I miss the South.


Even in the beach house, Jake is the favorite.

Farmer’s Market acquisitions: Tomatoes, Peaches, Blackberries

Look Mommy! A gorgeous beach all for me!


Hello Charleston!

DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT those motorcycles

Wild Wings, you make my heart sing.

We’re at the beach for a few more days with no plans besides an adorable kid photo shoot and drinking/eating ALL THE THINGS. Right now on the counter is homemade chocolate cake with chocolate icing, homemade carrot cake with cream cheese coconut icing, a sour cherry pie and maple bourbon bacon ice cream. And that’s just dessert. Then we’ll go visit my parents and do grandparent-type stuff and then home for some MORE family visiting and eating. Obviously my life is really hard.

Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!


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5 Responses to “My Week(86) in iPhone Photos”

  1. Cole says:

    Exceedingly jealous of your vacation right now – I love the beach! Have a great time!

  2. Mkp says:

    CONFIRM OR DENY: that child is currently wearing rainbow anklets of some kind?!! *dies*

  3. Haha my son steals my cup/straw all the time too.

  4. Sleepy shirt twins! That picture is actually making me kind of sad we skipped the toddler bed with Adriana (since the crib was needed elsewhere). It’s so cute and wee, just like Caroline!

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