Merry Little Christmas To You

My friends at How To Be A Dad asked if I had any childhood Christmas photos laying around for a post they were putting together and I tracked down one of me meeting a really bored Santa. I thought I’d share the rest of the photos my mom scanned for me, with apologies to my family. Remember, we all thought we looked AWESOME when these were taken.

Suzanne at Christmas 018

I have that hat in the closet and the orange knit reindeer jumper upstairs. Caroline wore it last year.

Suzanne at Christmas (1)

That dress is in Caroline’s closet

Suzanne at Christmas 021

Putting things on babies: Hilarious since 1982

Suzanne at Christmas 012

I’m making that face because I know one day this picture will NOT be the height of fashion

Suzanne at Christmas 013

Suzanne at Christmas 011

Caroline wore the dress my sister is wearing to a party last month and ruined it. SAD FACE. But the red one is still upstairs!

Suzanne at Christmas 009


Suzanne at Christmas 005

Candy cane dress is in Caroline’s closet

Suzanne at Christmas 008

Suzanne at Christmas 026

This one is my favorite.

Suzanne at Christmas 001 (1)

This was the year we got our “American Girl” dolls that were just blonde baby dolls. My grandmother actually sewed all the outfits after looking at them in a catalog and my grandfather made the chests & beds. I still have all of it.

 We decided to bump Christmas back to the 26th so we could all enjoy being together, so I’ll be back on the 27th when I can sit and breathe and sort through the epic number of pictures I plan to take over the next 3 days. A Blessed Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may your pants still fit in January!

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9 Responses to “Merry Little Christmas To You”

  1. Shari says:

    Aww, that American Girl Doll story is great. So sweet.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Audrey says:

    I am in awe of the sheer amount of baby clothing your mother hung onto and was able to hand down. I’m pretty sure my mother has zip hidden in the attic for me. Alas. I’m also in awe of the quantity of holiday family photos you always produce. I have exactly one Christmas photo from my childhood. But at least it has an at-at in it. :D

  3. Liz says:

    Such cute pictures! You look the same, too. Love the one where there’s stuff EVERYWHERE, lol :).

  4. Amy says:

    Merry Christmas, or since you are delayed a day, merry christmas eve eve! I love the cable knit family photo. It’s awesome! I too am in awe of the amount of clothes you have. My sister and I found a single (destroyed by rats) box of clothing in my parents garage.

  5. Kimberly says:

    I love these! I just asked my mom if she saved ANY of my baby clothes. She said, “Baby clothes? Why?” :/

  6. molly says:

    Oh my God . . . the matching sweaters picture? PERFECTION :)

  7. Seriously jelly of all your vintage baby clothes. They only thing my mom saved was a pair of way vintage German lederhosen (actually a skirt) she wore, then I wore, and someday P. will wear.

    And really, are matching cable knits ever out of style?

  8. Jessica says:

    I had so many outfits that were similar to yours. This post brings back lots of memories. Hope you had a great Christmas!

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