Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays from The Davis Family! May you and yours enjoy the peace, joy and love this season brings and may your Christmas be as blessed as ours.

Under the tree

Look what Santa put in my stocking

Why do you do these things to me?


Suzanne, Evan, Little Evan, Caroline
and Brutus-The-World’s-Most-Patient-Dog

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20 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Jennie says:

    Gorgeous! And I love how there is a baby in Your stocking!

    She’s perfect! Merry Christmas!

  2. Meg says:

    Suzanne, she is darling. These pics are priceless. LOVE!

  3. Shari says:

    What precious pictures – proof that the best gifts are the ones we hold in our hearts. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  4. Audrey says:

    The second photo is my favorite…awesome job lady. Both for the photo and the behbeh. :D Merry Christmas!

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nicole Menendez. Nicole Menendez said: Ridiculously adorable. RT @bebehblog: Who wants to see some baby in a stocking pictures? PRICELESS I TELL YOU. […]

  6. Alison says:

    Adorable! :) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Adorable. Agree with Jennie that it is the cutest ever that she is in your stocking.

  8. Slee says:

    Merry Twinklemas!

  9. I have to tell you I almost cried at the cuteness that is going on in these pics. You have a great family. And that little girl just melted my heart all over the place. For really reals! xo

  10. Natalie says:

    Seriously. You do realize you (and baby Caroline) will probably be responsible for the influx of babies born in 9 months, right?

    So.damn.cute. I can’t stand it.

    Merry Christmas & lots of love to you, E (I am beginning to wonder, do you call him E all the time? LOL), Evan & Caroline :)

  11. Cole says:

    I know I’m supposed to be commenting on the unbelievable cuteness of Caroline-in-the-stocking, but Brutus as reindeer? Love it! And you just know he’s thinking “you brought home ANOTHER bebeh?!”

    Merry Christmas!

  12. MKP says:

    Two things:
    1l I will give you a dollar not to dress her in anything not a stocking or a santa hat until the New Year

    b) My family has the EXACT SAME stockings!! In fact I use the one with my mom’s (and my) middle name that she’s had since she was 10.

    xoxoxoxo to you and your family on this extra special Christmas :)

    (ps the first time I accidentally typed “zozozozo” which given that you’re going to have two toddlers before you know it, seems apropros :P

  13. Swistle says:


    Also, I think she looks like you. That first picture was right next to your blogging photo, and I thought “!!!”

  14. Krista T says:

    I don’t know if you stuck the stocking on a sleeping baby without waking her, or managed to wriggle a stocking on an awake baby and got her to fall asleep, but either way, these are The Cutest Baby Photos I have EVER seen!!!!!!! :) Merry Christmas, little Caroline!

  15. Londonmum says:

    so so so cute. Happy Christmas to all 4 of you plus the reindeer-dog. What joy you must have in your house!

  16. Kristi says:

    These pictures are great! My new niece is absolutely ADORABLE!! =) I miss you guys and am glad to hear all is well. Merry Christmas!!

  17. Leah says:

    Merry Christmas to you, Big E, Little E and Caroline! These may be the cutest pictures I have ever seen.

  18. jill says:

    I LOVE HER!!! what a perfect little christmas baby!

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