You guys are awesome. Amazing. The best readers in the world. Thank you so much for contributing to my March for Babies walk. Our team has raised over $500 in just one week and so far I’ve gotten more donations than any other individual walker. I appreciate your support so so so much. If you tried to use the online form earlier and had unspecified technical trouble, please try again. Every dollar helps ensure babies are born healthy and full-term.

As added incentive for your donations, I’m planning to tweet the whole walk, with updates, complaints, terrible jokes and plenty of adorable baby photos. If you aren’t part of social media 2.o (or whatever version of ridiculously unnecessary connectivity twitter is considered) I’ll rewrite it all as a blog post afterward so everyone can laugh at my suffering. Of course, you can laugh at me for free but won’t it be that much more hilarious if you caused some of it?

And now, some blackmail:

BAM! You’ve just been baby-notized. (That’s hypnotized by babies, in case you couldn’t guess.) First they make you very sleepy, then you act like a fool, then one day you wake up and you don’t even remember what it was like when they were that tiny. And THEN you click on that little purple widget over there ——-> and I love you forever.

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