Guess Baby Sandy’s Birth Day

I did this last time with Baby Evan’s due date and it was fun (plus if I don’t do it again I’m afraid my friend Lareign might send me a flaming bag of poo – she really likes guessing). This time I was going to set things up fancier with some sort of website to keep track of everyone’s guesses but it seems sort of unnecessary – I mean, on a good day I get 15 comments, do I REALLY need some sort of software to tell me the 23rd is the closest day to the 24th? I might be too big for my literal britches but getting too big for my metaphorical britches is just annoying.

So here’s the deal: Leave a comment on this post guessing the date and time you think Baby Sandy will make her official appearance into the world. I’m including hour/minute this pregnancy so people can guess the same day if they want, but this isn’t Price is Right so you can be closest even if you go over. I’m also making it much! more! exciting! by offering the winner an actual prize – I recently bought some gorgeous yarn with sequins woven into it and will be knitting something pretty, like a scarf or a cowl that I will mail to the person who is closest. (That is, if you want it. You can’t really give it as a Christmas gift, because there’s very little chance I’ll even KNOW who won by Christmas, and you might think handmade knit stuff is sort of dorky so if you don’t want it you can just say so nicely and I’ll keep it for myself donate it to a charity or something.)

Here’s all the info I have that might help you make your guess:

– Her official due date is December 26th, based entirely on an early ultrasound (which is supposed to be the most accurate measure) since I didn’t have a last menstrual period to go by
– I was 4 days late with Evan (Due April 1st, born April 5th)
– He was born at 7:21 pm after about  20 hours of labor, less than 11 of which I was in the hospital
– All 3 of my mother’s babies were late
– I’ve been having contractions (practice ones, not real ones, called Braxton-Hicks) since I was about 28 weeks
– When I went into the hospital for the HORRIBLE PAIN, my contractions were mild but consistently 3 minutes apart until they made the pain stop
– But when the doctor checked I was dilated <1cm
– There’s no reason to think I will be induced for any reason since besides the (harmless to the baby) kidney stones I am in excellent health
– Anywhere between 38-42 weeks is considered normal
– I am going to do everything possible to NOT spend Christmas Day in the hospital, so if that means holding my knees together while we open gifts so be it

Any questions? I have an OB appointment today but it’s pants-on so I doubt I’ll have any new info. My follow up with the urologist (where he’s going to do something incredibly unpleasant and OMG I can’t even think about it right now) is Wednesday and if THAT changes anything I’ll update this post then too. I’m not going to close the comments but dudes, they’re timestamped, so if you guess AFTER I send out “I had the baby!” tweets/texts/Facebook updates you’re disqualified.

In the words of Little Evan: ‘Eady? GO!!

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52 Responses to “Guess Baby Sandy’s Birth Day”

  1. Cole says:

    December 22, 10:30PM. :)

  2. Kitty Conner says:

    December 24th – 11:13 am

  3. StraderSpiel says:

    December 19, 9:20 PM

  4. Krista says:

    December 21 – 3:45 PM (OMG, that’s so SOON!)

  5. Mama Fisch says:

    December 26th – 5:25am

  6. Joanna says:

    December 29th 8:03 p.m.

  7. MKP says:

    December 27, 3:30 am (after 22 minutes of distracted painfree labor for which you just happened to be in a hospital bed)(do I get points for sucking up?)

  8. December 25th 8:02am (the exact time and date my daughter will be 9months old!) Come on baby Sandy!

  9. Amy says:

    December 23rd 9am. :) Good luck! I would gladly accept the sequiney scarf/cowl. :)

  10. Other Erin says:

    12/23/10 4:52pm

  11. molly says:

    Well, I was totally thrown for a loop when baby #2 came at 38 weeks, 2 days. I thought I would go late considering I was induced the first time!

    Soooo, I’m going to guess Sunday, December 19th at 2:22 a.m. (my baby was born on Sunday at 2:22 a.m.) Get ready :)


  12. Suzanne says:

    December 28th, 2:30 AM :-)

  13. Suz B says:

    12/27/10 at 8:06p. :)

  14. I was totally going to say Jan 1 but I’d hate for you to be pregnant that long.

    So I’m gonna go with 12/29 8:08 am

  15. Skipper says:

    Here’s my guess: Dec 16th at 6am

    Here’s my scientific method: My older daughter was born ten days late; my younger son was born four days early = ten days difference between older and younger children. THEREFORE: for you, older son born four days later = younger daughter will be born ten days early. It’s science!

    Good luck!

  16. Gretchen says:

    My guess is a New Year’s Eve baby at 4 p.m. Bad news is that will be another holiday spent in the hospital, but the good news is that you’ll get the 2010 tax credit!

  17. Robyn says:

    December 22nd at 7:21 am, i went for the opposite of Little Evan…sort of.

  18. raincheckmom says:

    December 23rd at 6pm. Home by Christmas!

    And you are not allowed to have the baby before Dec. 19th

  19. Leah says:

    Calder’s birthday: Dec. 18th, 1:20 pm.

  20. Barbra says:

    December 22, 4:04pm

  21. I am guessing 12/25 at 4:30 am. Not because I am wishing it on you, but because it is my husband’s birthdate and time. That way, when I lose it is his fault not mine. I am a genius.

  22. merin says:

    I like December 22nd, and I am going to go with 5 AM (Nov 22 is my bday, Cora was born at 5 PM, but that is too close to Barbra’s guess). I hope you are home by Christmas/have baby after Christmas-while this is a more exciting event than kidney stones, it would kind of suck to spend another holiday in the hospital.

  23. Natalie says:

    12-30-10 at 12:25 p.m. This is after a much shorter labor :o)

    Not that I want you to be pregnant for that long after your due date, but I’m going to throw it out there since everyone else is clustered closer to the earlier end of the 26th.

  24. Krista T says:

    Dec 31 10:17pm. Tax baby! Teehee. And my apologies if you’re actually pregnant that long. *hugs* :)

  25. Amanda says:

    Dec 28, 11:30pm

  26. Kim says:

    12/22 at 7:10pm. It’s my hubby’s birthdate & time :) Home for Christmas!

  27. Kim says:

    December 27, 2010. 2:52am. You can be home for Christmas and New Years! And Zoe was born at 2:52am.

  28. Jen F (from Robinson) says:

    Gotta go for my birthday – December 16! Not sure what time I was born though, maybe 3:28am?

  29. Lisa says:

    My birthday is December 22, so I’m going to guess 9:25pm on December 22. Poor kid. It sucks to have your birthday the same week as Christmas. Just finally started to celebrate my half birthday this year instead (and I’m 30… should have had that idea years ago).

  30. Swistle says:

    I guess December 31st, because I think a New Year’s Eve birthday would be AWESOME. Especially because then you could give her the middle name Eve. *swoon* I love that kind of thing. And I guess a 4:05 a.m. birth time.

    • bebehblog says:

      For the record, we WOULD use Eve as a middle name. But also for Christmas Eve which is a full week sooner because OMG I hope I am not still pregnant on December 31st.

  31. I’m guessing….. December 27th at 11:00 AM?

  32. December 25th at 12:00pm because of Murphy’s Law :)

  33. ryan says:

    December 24th @ 2:19 pm

  34. Lalaland13 says:

    I do love guessing, so guilty as charged. It’s like the lottery, except you don’t need a quarter to scratch anything off. Heavens, I either need to do something with my blog or kill it, I guess.

    I have an aunt named Sandy (really) who was born Dec. 24, so I feel like I should guess that day, but heck, I don’t want to (watch, she’ll be born then).

    OK, Dec. 26. 3:40 p.m. Your water will break early that morning, giving you Christmas at home. I know this isn’t part of the game, but I think Sandy will be 8 lbs, 5 ounces, since second kiddos are bigger, generally.

    Stopping now before I predict what color underwear you wear to the hospital.

    • bebehblog says:

      The answer is giant, ugly and white. Also, I will give birth wearing Christmas socks and a festive headband. No joke.

  35. FourInchHeels says:

    December 22, 3:55pm

    It’s too bad there isn’t a December 32 … the baby’s birthday could be 12/32/10. It’d be fun to have (0)123210 as your birthday!

  36. uummmmmm ok this just came to me: december 22nd @ 5:45am!

    and of course she will be named “hazel poppy emily bilbrey bebehblog”. because, i mean, DUH!!!

  37. andrea says:

    December 17th at 9:15pm.

  38. Jenn Smith says:

    After much thought I have to go with December 20, at 6:20 am. She will want to have her own day right after her Grandma’s Birthday.

  39. Katie Gibson-Stofflet says:

    December 27th, 8:06 am. To match your wonderful aunts time of birth……..I would consider it an honor.
    Thank you!

  40. Betsy says:

    Hmmm, I’ll have to go with my own birthday for a guess…..December 29th at 2:06pm. Now you’ll be able to celebrate Christmas and New Years sans hospital. You’re welcome. (smile)

  41. bellegourmande says:

    December 12, 2:45 PM. That way baby’s birthday won’t be AS close to Christmas and you’ll be home and will have an almost two-week-old by Christmas Day. This is fun!

  42. Londonmum says:

    December 24th at 11.59pm. That way she doesn’t have to have xmas presents and birthday presents on the same day!

  43. PSU Lioness says:

    My birthday is December 7th, so it would be awesome if your little one was born then. But since you’re not ready, I won’t wish that upon you.

    My guess is December 19th at 2:26 pm.

  44. jill says:

    december 16th. 4:32 pm.

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