Birthday Madness

After much hang wringing and deliberation, I’ve decided I can’t let my first child turn one without at least attempting to commemorate the occasion with cake and singing. Of course, he doesn’t actually turn one for two more months, but I like the plan ahead. This morning I brought up the subject with my darling husband:

Me: So do you want to have a party for the baby’s birthday?
E: Sure.
Me: Should I invite all our relatives? And some mom friends? It might be a lot of people. Or maybe no one will show up.
E: Sure.
Me: Ok, we’re officially having a party. With a cake. And a theme. Oh, what should the theme be?
E: Sure.
Me: My internet friend Emmie did robots. Want to see her son’s robot party? Robots are really cool, right? But we could do something else. Maybe animals, like my baby shower. Or doggies. Or numbers. Or boats. I love boats! Or PIRATES. I’m going to go check Etsy for first birthday party decorations and get started buying stuff. Good thing we’re getting that tax return, because these things are ADORABLE.
E: Sure. Wait, what?

So it’s settled – Baby Evan is having a party and I am currently in obsessive planning mode. Although if I truly did like to plan ahead, maybe I’d have something planned for E’s 30th birthday which happens to be THIS THURSDAY. Sorry honey, I think once you have kids your own birthday’s are never really special again. So far the only thing on our calendar is attending the birthday party for a friend’s daughter, which may not exactly be the kind of debauchery-filled, Vegas-themed, crazy all-nighter he had in mind. Although you never know – maybe that’s EXACTLY what they’re planning for their one year old. In which case I’m REALLY slacking in the party department

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One Response to “Birthday Madness”

  1. Emmie Bee says:

    My hubs recently commented on the fact that I put up wayyyyy too many pics of Hudson’s birthday decor. I said it was because I wanted to give other mama’s some ideas. Anyways, last night I read him this blog and was vindicated.

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