Happy Birthday E! You’re the best looking toddler playground slash pillow I’ve ever seen.

We love you!

p.s. Come home soon so you can open your present!

p.p.s. It is not a iPad.

p.p.p.s. Sorry.

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11 Responses to “31”

  1. Amanda says:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Evan!

  2. Denae says:

    Happy Birthday E!

  3. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday E! And yes, you will forever be known in my head as “E” even if that’s not what you are called in the real world. You have your sexy wife to thank for that ;o)

  4. Cheri says:

    Happy Birthday Evan!!!

  5. Dear E,
    it sucks that you’re not getting an iPad. My spouse didn’t get me one either, damnit.
    In other news, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  6. FourInchHeels says:

    Getting an iPod touch and a strong magnifying glass is basically the same thing as getting an iPad, PLUS the added bonus of looking super cool.

    Happy birthday, E!

  7. Kimberly says:

    What great pics! Those are even better than an iPad :) (My hubby thought he was getting an iPad for his birthday, too. We already have an iTouch, and I made him LOL when I pointed out that gadgets are supposed to be getting smaller, not bigger.)

  8. raincheckmom says:

    Happy Birthday Evan! Enjoy!

  9. Barbra says:

    It’s still your birthday in Oregon!! Happy Birthday E!!

  10. Emmie Bee says:

    Happy Birthday Evan! I know I’m late but I hope that you enjoyed your day & that you got everything you wanted! Sorry about your iPad. But, you know- there’s kids to feed.

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