Wordless Wednesday: Three Evans Edition


I am ALL OVER the interwebs today, thanks to a couple of beautiful ladies who are letting me guest post.

If you’re going to BlogHer, Suz at Suz’s Treats is running a series of advice posts for conference newbies. Since I haven’t actually BEEN to BlogHer, I have no idea why she agreed to include me, but check out my very calming advice.

And Julie from Back to the Basics (she’s basically my twin – she’s about to have her second, a girl, has an almost 2 year old boy and also loves Hanging with Friends) is taking some much needed bloggy rest time during a hectic work month so she let me fill in today with a post about how I’ll do anything to get my kids to sleep.

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6 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Three Evans Edition”

  1. Suz B says:

    Love the three Evans photo & the one of you & Caroline~ you are talented & I never would’ve known you were breastfeeding until you pointed it out. Thanks again for writing that great guest post for me! So happy to have you do it & can’t wait to meet you soon!!

  2. The Dayleigh says:

    Great colors and photos!

  3. AHH only cuteness comes from your womb!

  4. molly says:

    Nursing standing up in water? You’re my idol.

    Off to read your guest posts, you popular lady, you.

  5. Miranda says:

    Great guest posts and I especially liked the one about getting Caroline to sleep. I love the picture!

  6. Sarah-Anne says:

    too cool! you’re spreading like a disease. ;)

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