Wednesday Walks

Farmer’s Market! It’s held downtown at the boat launch/marina close enough that we can walk down in nice weather (walking home is much harder since it’s uphill). There’s a bigger, fancier market on Friday nights in the next town over but this one is perfectly fine for picking up salad ingredients or something to snack on.

*The last picture is of the mini-golf course that some teenagers vandalized by setting some of the buildings on fire. Now it’s in the process of being bulldozed and I want to kick those kids in the teeth. It was the ONE family-friendly thing to do outside.

**Truthfully, these are from last week. This week has been too tiring to do anything fun – unless you want to see pictures of us filling out tax forms from the town we used to live in or recycling cans at the Big Y to get the 5 cent deposits back.

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No Responses to “Wednesday Walks”

  1. Amanda says:

    We have yet to get to the farmer’s market this year, it’s still on the to-do list though. You can sign up for the Kidgit’s Club at the information desk down by the Christmas Tree Shop. Baby E is a little young though. They do moon bounces and crafts a few times a month, Mad LOVES it!

  2. Erin (i dont have a fake name :( ) says:

    What an adorable farmer’s market :) Is that only on Wednesdays?

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