My Week(235) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015I started and ended my week with beautiful photo sessions where everyone wore short sleeves. The heat in my house is still kicking on most nights but I am almost confident I can put away my winter coat. Which is good, because today starts soccer GAMES in addition to practices so we’ll be spending even more time outside…
Today we went OUT OUT OUT to enjoy the 75 degree weather and now we are all tired tired tired. We just at dinner (it’s 4 pm) and I’m counting on a 6:30 pm bedtime for everyone – probably including me. 12 hours of sleep (even interrupted sleep) sounds amazing. The only family member who isn’t tired is Linc, who is currently out on the porch screeching at anyone who walks by and shoving push-cars around. I WISH he was in here nursing to sleep in my lap – because that’s always a nice excuse to sit on the couch instead of clean stuff – but he has an endless amount of energy. I’m actually looking forward to him walking so I can wear him out more.