Posts Tagged ‘do-gooding’

Love to Zaria

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

My friend and fellow Suzanne from pretty*swell as put out a call to action. Her friend Hope just lost her babies. A mama needs our help. A family is being crushed with unimaginable grief, their lives turned upside down after their twin girls were born at 21 weeks.

Abigail was stillborn and her sister Zaria fought bravely for a month in the NICU before her family had to hold her in their arms and let her go join her sister.

Two babies were born too early. Two beautiful girls who will never get to go home.

To make things even more complicated, Hope went into labor far away from home and her entire family was uprooted during Zaria’s month-long stay in the NICU. They put all their possessions in storage and broke their lease, preparing for a long stay. But now they have no where to go home to.

I have nothing more eloquent to say than the whole thing SUCKS. It just sucks.

Suzanne has put together an amazing fundraiser for Hope and her family. (You can also go directly to the donation page through the button on my sidebar ——>) More than a dozen companies have generously donated items to encourage people to donated just $5. Go donate, then leave a comment on this post on pretty*swell to be entered.

Her original goal was $1,000 in three weeks. This morning she has $3,779.02. The new goal is $5,000. Let’s do this.

Love to Zaria