Planet Wise: Best Wet Bag Ever (an unsolicited opinion) – Giveaway!
A few weeks ago, all my friends started pulling out these adorable Planet Wise wet/dry bags at play group and my inner green eyed monster immediately started gnawing on my common sense and INSISTED I had to get one too, even though I already had a wet bag and didn’t really need to be spending money on frivolous things.
But I bought one anyways, at my local fabulous baby store Papoose, and DUDE. It was SO NOT A FRIVOLOUS PURCHASE.
First off, it’s totally leak-proof, due to some sort of magical seaming and sealing process. Which means my biggest cloth diapering fear (carrying around a dirty diaper and having everyone think that smell is me) is totally gone. No poop smell or other kind of leakage. Exhibit A:
Second, it has TWO POCKETS, one with the waterproof lining for wet stuff and one unlined pocket for your clean stuff. Brilliant. For someone who cloth diapers it means no digging around in my bag for the wipes and the extra insert and the diaper which is now full of Goldfish crumbs and sand and how did that green paint get in there? You could even do what my friend Megan has done and downgrade your GIANT DIAPER BAG to a cute little handbag and just use the snappy handle thing to attach it to your stroller or bag or whatever when it’s full. Exhibit B:
Third, it’s freakin’ adorable. And large – 13″ x 16″. Exhibit C:
And just in case you thought I was lying about all my friends buying them first, Exhibit D:

Just from last week's playgroup, our collection of Planet Wise bags. Thanks to Connie & April for letting me be a weirdo and take pictures of your dirty diapers.
I sent Planet Wise an email letting them know I was going to sing their praises on the interwebs, for no other reason than I spent FOREVER looking at stuff like wet bags and diaper pail liners when we switched to cloth and I wanted to make it easier for anyone else trying to do the research. I also hinted at maybe doing a giveaway if they did that sort of thing and would be willing to work with a teeny tiny blogger. Shockingly, Lori emailed me back and said YES. I’m afraid she might be suffering from a head injury of some sort.
Which means YOU my friend, might be the proud new owner of one of these adorable bags in the pattern of your choice. Even if you don’t cloth diaper, these bags are perfect for dirty gym clothes, wet bathing suits, potty training, running clothes, or anything else that’s damp and possibly smelly. They’re cute and spacious and machine washable so you can just toss them in with your diapers/dirty stuff – even in the dryer.
TO WIN: Just leave a comment. That’s all.
If you want to check out the Planet Wise website and tell me which pattern you would pick, feel free. If you want to tweet about how awesome I am for giving you a chance to win the best wet bag ever, that’s awesome. If you want to like me on Facebook or vote for me on Top Baby Blogs, I’d appreciate it. If you want to tell me how much you hate these stupid reviews and giveaways, I’ll accept that too. But you only get one chance to enter with one comment. US addresses only please. (EDITED: OK MY DEAR CANADIANS! If you want to enter I will have Planet Wise ship the bag to me and I’ll cover the cost of mailing it to you. Because THAT is how much I love you!)
Good luck! And I’m wicked jealous of whoever wins. Free stuff is cool. Contest ends at midnight, July 29th. Winner announced first thing Friday morning! GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED. SORRY :(
p.s. If you DON’T win, don’t despair! You can find a retailer near you here. Of course, Papoose also has an online store. Just sayin’.
Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated by any business mentioned in this post for my opinions. I’m not getting anything for free or at a discount for this review and spent my own cash on the product mentioned. YOU’RE the only one getting free stuff. Because I love you.
Tags: baby gear, baby stuff, cloth diapers, giveaway, Reviews & Sponsored, things I love, wet bag
Love the bag even if I dont have a baby……..
I’m a sad Canadian *wipes tear from cheek*. Can I just say that I am leaving a comment anyway… I like the “art deco” pattern… so there. *sulks in corner*
Their website lists dealers in Canada, and if there isn’t one nearby, many of them have online stores that ship across the country. Yes, I already checked it out!
The company agreed to send me the bag if you win and I’ll mail it to you. So now you have a chance! Open to all Canadians!
A lack of such a bag is the single reason I never used the pool at the gym of either college I attended.
Cloth diapers, wet bathing suits, and they are PERFECT to have when you fly with a kid. Because somebody is going to get wet, or messy…or wet. :-)
Okay, you had me at “two pockets.” I’m hoping to win, but if I don’t I’ll surely be spending part of our grocery budget at Papoose on a new wet bag. So much for living simply. Ha! But if I use it for years to come then it’s a worthwhile purchase, right?
Looks like an awesome bag, and I love to win things!
I love my bag so much that I would never pass up an opportunity to receive another one!!
Well, that looks extremely handy! Thanks for distracting me for a few minutes checking out all of the different patterns… yours is pretty awesome! :)
Awesome give-away! Cute bags!
The bags are adorable…plus, they seem like they would be great for running clothes so that I don’t have to do laundry every other day. Good find!
we need another wetbag with two kids in cloth diapers this is a great opportunity also a brand we’ve not yet tried. I’m so glad you like urs & that they said yes to you for the giveaway. We are staying with my mom & dad for a few months while my husband is in school we don’t have a pail here so it’s only wetbags & I’m 1 or 2 short cuz we are doing diaper laundry everyday now grr! Oh well.
The bag looks awesome, and I love your choice of pattern. I like Taxi too though. I hope I win (sadly I never have luck on my side)!
I love my planet wise wet bag and was thinking about buying another one because when my wet bag is in the wash, I throw dirty diapers in a pile on the floor.
Great giveaway! I haven’t yet let myself buy this bag. But after reading your review, I’m going to have a hard time saying no the next time I find myself in Papoose.
wantwantwantwantwant! this is EXACTLY what i need. the quart-size-ziploc-inside-gallon-size-ziploc look is soooo last season. i’m buying one even if i don’t win.
These do look awesome. I am only 5 months pregnant, and I am already getting WAY too excited about anything that has to do with cloth diapers. Honestly, after how amazing they sound, I went to the website expecting to find out that they cost like $300 or something. $21 – $25 in Canada – that was a pleasant surprise! Now I won’t be so miserable if I don’t win.
I like the outerspace, and the taxi… ooh, and the spring green…and the lime coco bean. I kind of love them all.
Suzanne, thanks for the opportunity to win one – and thanks also for keeping up with the awesome blogging! I kind of want to start a blog for my baby, but I totally know that there would be like three entries in the first couple of weeks, one entry a few months later saying “Sorry I haven’t been posting recently”, and then nothing.
This would be PERFECT for disgusting gym clothes! Or storing clothes after a 5K!
YESSSSSSS. I want! I need! I Covet! I am finally running out of the little green biodegradable bags I bought when pregnant with Hudson for like $10.00 for 50 like an idiot and bought a ton of packs and then realized they are basically dog poop bags & I could have gotten them cheaper at Petco! A reusable option would be AWESOME. RIg this shit! I wanna win!
Awesome bag! We don’t have any bebehs (yet!), but it would be great for traveling and camping. Every trip we’ve taken this summer has either involved lots of swimming, or getting poured on while camping (unfortunately more rain than swimming)- and a bag like this would really come in handy.
I really want to try cloth diapering. If I can’t talk my hubby into it, wet swimsuit bag it is!
The bangle dots one is awesome! Thanks for the giveway! I voted for you too just b/c!
I just found your blog! Those bags look great!
This would be great for cloth pad use! Want!
I’ve been trying to get one of these for my cloth diapers and everywhere is out of the patterns I would pick (geometric studio or river rocks). So I’d LOVE to win this!
how cute are these. we dont cloth diaper [although i will for baby number two] but they can be used for so many other things until then! :)
I’m going to have a baby some day. And when I do, I will use cloth diapers.
I like the midnight curl pattern.
Very cute bags! I’ll be totally needing one in a few months :)
Oh, they do look cute! I’m having my second in a couple of weeks, and this would be super helpful to have. With my first we used g-diapers. I’ll confess, we’re probably going with just disposables this time around, but there are always plenty of soggy things to carry!(for example, my daughter vomited on herself, like, every ten minutes until she was a year old!)
I would LOVE to win a planetwise wetbag. I have a small one and have been really wanting a bigger one for a while now!
I was just eyeing the Playful Paisley one at Papoose this morning! Winning it would be better than buying it… ;)
I have heard really good things about these wet bags. I cloth diaper and would love some. I have some other wet bags and they are all right not nothing fancy or even cute.
ooh, this would be rad to have! I have a wet bag at home, but nothing for the diaper bag, leaving me to put used cloths in a plastic bag and them getting gross.
great giveaway!
I LOVE that it is both handy and super green! My inner tree hugger is bursting with glee! This would make life with two babies SO much easier!
I cloth diaper and I completely need this bag! (A) Because it’s cute, and (b) because I have been using the one that came with my diaper bag for months now it it just isn’t cutting it.
Love love love!
Free is my favorite! Thanks for finding such cool stuff, Suzanne! I am a horrible person who uses disposable diapers, but I can definitely think of a million times this bag would have come in handy in the course of my 8-month-old’s life so far.
I LOVE this bag!!! I tell people at Papoose all the time now that it is the best one I have seen….April bought the pattern I wanted and have yet to settle on another patten. What a great giveaway!!!!
You can’t win if you don’t play, right?!! Thanks for the giveaway, Suzanne – it’d be fun to win!!
Ooh ooh! I want.
I have been wanting that Art Deco one! So darn cute and so glad to see it used in person (it’s kinda hard to tell how the prints really look in real life by looking at the website).
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love love love the art deco bag!!
Ohh, purty. This would have been great to bring back my swimsuit from California to here in. I like the aqua flavors (my family is weird and calls colors flavors). Or taxi. They’re all adorable. I wonder if the cat would fit in there…no, better not try that. I value my flesh.
this would be perfect for my prenatal water aerobics class i start this week!
I don’t cloth diaper (boo me) but I do want to join the really super cool green club and cut down on the use of plastic bags for everything [baby related]. Just so you know, winning this bag would definitely jump start my membership!
Thanks for doing such a neat-o giveaway!
P.S. I reeeaalllyy want to win! ;)
Seriously cute. I think my favorite is dot tastic, although daisy dream is also nice. :)
I love my wet bag. But I think I need this in Outerspace.
(Also, I am sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Lack of sleep from a baby who decided to sprout 4 teeth at once really screwed up my judgment.)
I love this bag too! i have one in the print on the left.
I like them! Very fashionable! And I’ll hopefully have a baby to use this with in the somewhat near future (like January).
I already have one that doesn’t work very well at all. For little infants…not a big deal because they don’t really smell. But when she gets a little older and a little stinkier…our drawstring bag won’t be cutting it. These look great!
I would Love a planet wise bag for my cloth diapers!!! So pretty and functional with that dry side pocket.
Ooohhh…I want one of these so bad. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’m picked. It will be perfect for bathings suits seeing as I live in Arizona and it’s pol season practically all year.
I have been looking for a new wet bag to no avail, but this one looks great! Why can’t Papoose open a branch in Seattle?
Love anything not pink! I’ve read great things about them!
Gahhh!! Cutest patterns ever! But especially aqua swirl.. or pink swirl. Way to go on the green giveaways Suzanne, this eco-hippy is totally impressed :)
I would love to use this bag for either cloth diapers or swim suits.
I like the Dot Tastic pattern.
That bag sounds amazing!
A free planetwise bag? I’ve been itching to get my hands on one. My old bummis bags are starting to fail me. Well, maybe in the already failed category if the diaper is soaking wet!
If I do a “I wanna win a wetbag dance” will I win one? Yes? That’s what I though!!
I was sure I had the best wet bags in the world (from MonkeyFoot Designs) but that two-pocket thing is GENIOUS. Please! Me! I’m going to have two kids in cloth, cause there ain’t no way my girl is going to potty train in the next 5 months.
Hey! I’m in a post! I feel so cool. :)Can I enter even though I already have one? I have secret plans for it if I do win, though. Yay, Suzanne, for give-aways.
[…] Today is the last day to enter my Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag giveaway! In case you missed my edit the last time, I opened the contest up for Canadians – if you win […]
Two pockets-so smart! I am still carrying around a ziploc bag and my wet bag, which just doesn’t make any sense. Great give away Suzanne!
I don’t use cloth diapers, but this looks great for carrying home his wet bathing suit! I love the pictures above, too! They’re so cute :)
Well, my gym clothes ARE pretty disgusting.
oh i would love one