Oh %&*#
E just called to let me know his orders came in to the command today. He (we) areĀ supposed to report to San Diego in March. I think after that he said something about how this isn’t definite yet and they’re still fighting the move and his boat really wants to keep him and if we HAVE to move he can probably get shore duty because he skipped his last rotation, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I was too busy imagining what moving 3000+ miles while 9 months pregnant will be like.
Tags: pregnancy
whoa san diego! let us know if that’s for real.
Holy shit. Um. Yeah, that’s all I have right now. Ack.
At least San Diego’s really pretty? Is he able to play the “my wife’s preggers” card and get it delayed by a month or two? Moving with a crying bundle isn’t going to be fun, but it’ll be less stressful (re: no stress-induced labor or flying restrictions) than doing it when you’re about to burst.
Oh hell. Please tell me they will accomodate with his orders by 6-8 weeks given your due date! There’s only so much that can safely happen for a women in the weeks before and after birth…and that’s if there aren’t any complications!
ok – so take it from Aunt Katie. We had a military move from San Diego to Corpus Christi when I was 7 months pregnant with the twins. Actually, the Navy would not let me move with him unless I had a doctor set up at the next duty station. But mine was high risk. Start looking for doc now. San Diego is beautiful and they have tons of flea markets!!!!
you can stop in at North Island and see my ex. LOL.
you will be fine but I know it will be hard and an adjustment but you are strong and sassy……..
Tell them no no no. Either delay it or send you early or you’ll give birth in a flyover state. That’s insane. Surely there can be a medical deferment or family deferment or something?
I feel your pain. The military can be real shitty sometimes.
Oh man, I’m so sorry. We were thinking of getting pregnant but figured out that any time in the next six months would have me giving birth in the horrible limbo between prototype/sub school/move to a duty station. I have some friends here who just moved from San Diego and all they ever talk about is how aamaaazing it was there (I know, little comfort, but hey!).
Damnit! It’ll make for a great story to tell you kid, though.
Surely they’ll let you guys delay it. I mean, you’re having a baby!
We were just visiting some friends about a month ago and the husband is in the Navy. They’re stationed in Norfolk and live right across the border in NC in a really cute area by the Outer Banks. His wife was telling me she prays every day they don’t move him until the kids finish high school because they live in such a kick-ass district. I don’t know how military families do it!
On the upside though, I hear San Diego’s really nice.