Oh Hi
Do you know what I never did? The end-of-the-school-year posts from June.
I took the pictures. I made the graphics. There’s no good reason I didn’t just get it up here on the blog.
I also have pictures from our vacation to Virginia, Linc & Finnegan’s very Pinnable birthday party, updates about our house and our dogs and the kids. I didn’t make Lincoln a birthday video post or recap my trip to Disney World with Caroline for The Summit cheer competition. Oops.
This blog turned 11 in July. It was 11 years ago that I first found out I was pregnant with Evan and decided blogging would be a good way to connect with other moms. It worked VERY well. Some of my best friends began as internet friends but now I would consider them more real than most people. I find it much easier to address a vague and unspecific audience when I talk about things I struggle with than talking to people face-to-face. I don’t want to give up this space, even if I don’t have any readers or sponsored posts or cool invites any more thanks to my absence.
In fact, this blog is the baby book for all four of my kids, with their birth stories and monthday updates and birthdays and adventures. It’s important to me that I keep it up, at least casually, while I still have little kids. The two oldest absolutely love looking back on things I’ve written about them (which is a relief) and I don’t want Linc and Finn to wonder where their toddler and preschool years went.
So if you’re interested in content like “Last Minute Disney Trip Tips” or “What To Do When Your Baby Keeps Shouting ‘You not my best fwend anymore!'” or puppy dog birthday party ideas, you’re in luck. I’m back.
Suzanne, I have to tell you that you not my best fwend anymore. lol!
I enjoy your blog so I’m glad you’ve decided to keep it going. I know what you mean about internet friends also … it’s been so fun meeting them at places like BlogHer, too.
Yay! Looking forward to it!!
You came back!
Welcome back!! I’ve missed your writing!
Welcome back! :)